Saturday, July 11, 2020

The Language of Flowers by Karla Stover

A Line to Murder (A Puget Sound Mystery) (Volume 1)        Murder, When One Isn't Enough    Wynter's Way
Murder in Tacoma WA.              Murder on Hood Canal   Gothic Mystery

and a bunch of shorts on Amazon

"I need an idea for my blog," I said to my husband.

"Why not flowers," he said, after a moment's reflection."

At the time, we were hiking in the woods and and admiring a native shrub called Ocean spray.

Where we live, the first thing to bloom is camas, a beautiful blue flower that was once very important to the local Native American diet. It's followed by Scotch broom, a really invasive shrub with pretty yellow blooms. A group of nuns who settled in Steilacoom, WA. get the blame for bringing in the seeds but they could just as well been in on the clothing sailors wore (the seeds not the nuns).

Rhododendrons follow, then daisies, fox glove, sweet peas and now the Ocean spray which is a low-growing shrub of droopy cream-colored flowers. However, none of these have anything to do with the language of flowers.

When I was little and we were poor, new books were rare. Instead, I inherited my mother's from when she was a girl. One of them had four complete books in one: Ruth Fielding and the Red Mill; Billie Bradley and her Inheritance; Peggy Lee and Michael; and Linger-Nots and the Mystery House. In those days, children's books didn't have to have  message; they just told stories. In the case of the Mystery House, it was an old home with a hidden room. The Linger-Nots found the room by decoding a sampler based on the flowers the maker had stitched in. I thought that was fascinating.

Back then, researching was much more difficult than it is now, but eventually I stumbled on The Language of Flowers illustrated by Kate Greenaway and published in 1884. It's still available and here's how Amazon describes the book:

 "Presents one of the most enchanting customs of the early 19th century - communicating through flowers instead of words. Hundreds of plants and flowers were given meaning ranging from the warm, simple "I love" of the red chrysanthemum to the disquieting message of the currant "thy frown will kill me." The book glows with Kate Greenaway's exquisite illustrations of the Victorian world from her 1884 book, Language of Flowers. An alphabetical listing of over 700 flowers and plants with their meanings - and a cross-index by meanings." It goes on to say, " shares the tradition, sparked by renewed Victoria era interest in botany and exotic plants and of using flowers as a means of covert communication [that means flirting or courting]an insight into a bygone era when the gift of Tamsy [ supposed to be tansy] was a declaration of war, and a Garden Daisy meant 'I share your sentiments,'this text is a real treasure."

The idea so intrigued me, I wrote a short story, a murder mystery where before she dies conveniently in her conservatory, the murder victim up ends pots of flowers in order to tell 'who dun it.' I called it "Flower Power" and sold it to a now defunct magazine for a minuscule amount.

So, what are the woods and fields where we walk telling us? Well, the rhododendrons are saying, "beware, danger and the wild daisies proclaim "I will think of it" (there are 5 different kinds of daisies in the book, each with its own meaning). The foxgloves aren't buying that, they're boldly declaring "insincerity." They might also be slamming the sweet pea's "delicate pleasures."

Flowers are important for novelists. Several years ago I read a novel-based-on-fact about a woman named Hulda Kruger who develop an important lilac garden in Woodland Washington one hundred or so years ago. The author had Hulda creating a bouquet out of hyacinths, a spring bloomer and other things that bloom in autumn. The blatant inaccuracy totally ruined the book for me.

I wonder if anyone knows or even cares about this totally cool bit of history. If so, here's a message from me, "I wish you Sweet Basil and Spruce Pine. May coronella . . . . . . . . . .

Friday, July 10, 2020

Road Trips

All my books are available at

            And we’re off. Whether everyone’s piled in the car or in a mobile RV; whether it’s just you, or you and a friend riding bikes or motorcycles, taking a road trip is one of the greatest adventures you can have. If you mapped out your trip beforehand, did you leave time for unexpected stops? Did you plan to specifically stop at tourist attractions along the way to your destination? Whatever you plan, DO NOT get in the car, buckle up and not stop until you get to your destination.
Lavender fields in Ontario, Canada
The very best road trips are those times you find unexpected treasures along the way. Sure, there are a whole lot of “The World’s Largest”…whatever. There are even towns that have very creatively turned themselves into a travel/tourist stop.
 One such place is Casey, Illinois, where throughout the town you will find the world’s largest golf tee, the world’s largest wind chimes, the world’s largest knitting needles (which actually work!), and the world’s largest rocking chair – all in one town!

            Yet the very best “finds” are sometimes “hidden in plain view”. Have you ever seen barn quilts while driving through the Midwest? What about a long, long row of fence with old cowboy boots upside-down on each of the fence posts? When we were kids traveling to grandma’s house in the summer, there were no interstates and we could find all sorts of things as we drove two lane highways. (Remember travel bingo?) Finding Burma Shave signs was always a great treat.

One of the most intriguing finds recently was during a drive from Niagara Falls, Canada to Sudbury, Ontario, Canada. The highway was cut through rocky hills and suddenly we began seeing rock statues high along the tops of rock outcroppings. These weren’t carved out of rock, but were rather what looked like statues of people made out of rocks. We were seeing them from the ground and they were anywhere from a foot to more than eighteen inches tall.
Further research when we had the time and we discovered they were “Inukshuk”, used by the Inuit in the north as directional markers. They are in the shape of a person to signify safety, hope and friendship. These stone sculptures were important for navigation, as a marker for hunting grounds, or possibly to denote a food cache. And we found them totally by accident!

Once upon a time I took a trip across Missouri into Kentucky to eventually end up in Tennessee. I loved the estates I saw in Kentucky, given romantic names such as “Misty Farms”. Large brick homes with tall white columns across the front were surrounded by white wooden fence, and many had green pastures full of thoroughbred horses. On the interstate, I drove by a uniquely built barn; so unique I pulled off the interstate at the next exit, turned across the overpass and returned the opposite way to get another look at the structure. Going the proper speed, I missed it again. The second time I exited the interstate, I took a back road and found a piece of history – an old tobacco barn with open slats on the sides and a totally unique interior. At that moment, I decided the rest of my trip would be made on back roads and two lane highways. As a writer, road trips such as this are invaluable for everything from collecting strange and unique names to use in my writing, to imagining scenes as real life slides by the windows.

I’ve posted covers from two books this month – “Love in Disguise” and “Hold on to the Past” because both of these are about traveling. The first takes place along and aboard the first transcontinental railroad, and the second is about a trip on the Missouri River aboard the Steamboat Arabia. Both are great “road trip” stories of a different sort, full of mystery and romance and can easily be ordered at

Taking a road trip is something we can begin to do as we emerge from the pandemic because it doesn’t involve large groups of people in very public places. Fill up the car with gas, pack a lunch and head out along the back roads. Perhaps you’ll come across the fire-breathing dragon we did!

And whatever you do, don't just read the billboard about the Drive-Through Safari. Take that exit!
Barb Baldwin

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Curves anyone? by J.S. Marlo

For many years, I was a member of Curves, a gym for women only. Back then, I bounced lots of my storylines on my workout friends. The grandmother angle in Unraveled was born during a workout, but that's another story...

As incentive to show up for workouts, we received Curves t-shirts for every milestone we met. First one hundred workouts, five hundred workouts...I got my seven-hundred-and-fifty-workout t-shirt a month before the gym closed. There were also monthly attendance and special events prizes, which were mostly t-shirts. So, no surprise that over the years I collected a lot of t-shirts with the Curves logo on it.

They were nice and well-made t-shirts, so I wore them in many places, not just at the gym, and I  also packed a few in my suitcase when I went on trips. I didn't think the word curves would offend anyone, and I never felt it did. If anyone looked at me funny, it flew right over my head.

Around the same time, one of my Curves friends went to a conference in the United States. I can't remember in which big city they held her conference, but she stayed in a very nice hotel.  One early evening she stood in the lobby wearing a Curves t-shirt, with the word curves positioned over her bosom. She was waiting for someone when an older couple approached her. Then out of the blue, the older woman asked her "How much for the girls?"

My friend just stared in total confusion at the woman who spoke with a strong Eastern European accent, but then it occurred to her  that maybe the meaning of the question got lost in the translation, so she replied with something like "I'm not sure I understand."

The older woman pointed at my friend's bosom. "Your sign says curves.  Where I come from it means hooker. So how much for the girls?"

We couldn't stop laughing when my friend recounted the incident at the gym a week later, but on the spur of the moment, she was flabbergasted then completely mortified to have been mistaken for a hooker or a madam. She just left the lobby and went to her room to change clothes without asking the couple which language they spoke...or for whom they wanted to hire the girls. In hindsight, those would have been interesting questions LOL

To satisfy my own curiosity, I played with Google Translate and found out that in Romanian, curvă means hooker. It was the only European language that came close to meeting the criteria.

I don't know if my friend ever wore that t-shirt again, but I stopped packing clothes with words on them when I go on trips. That being said, one of these days, that incident will end up in one of my novels.

Happy Reading & Stay safe. Many hugs!


Tuesday, July 7, 2020

First Draft Completed! by Eileen O'Finlan

After more than a year of research and writing, I've finally completed a first draft of Erin's Children! I am so happy with how this story came out and can't wait to share it with readers. 
Of course, a first draft is just that – a FIRST draft. Now I'm on to editing and revising, painstakingly looking for all the grammatical and typographical errors, making sure the story line never went astray, and that characters I was just getting to know when I first began didn't suddenly act out of character in later chapters. Flow and continuity, word choice, story and character arcs – all these things must be running smoothly throughout the entire story. The purpose of the editing and revision phase of novel writing is to make sure they do.
Still, having an entire first draft completed is a huge relief despite all the work yet to come. Two of the most gratifying words an author can type are “The End.” The only better two words, at least in this author's opinion, are “Chapter One.”

Monday, July 6, 2020

How do you sum up your core identity?

Can tag lines apply to life as well to our writing?

We present faces to the world that match our roles: mother, friend, sister, boss. But in truth, who are we? Behind all your faces, who are you
  • What do you care about?
  • What do you want?
  • What cheers you, what causes you harm, or drives you?

What tag line sums up who you are?

I've thought about those questions. I've searched for answers, direction, and inner peace. In the distant past, I thought I was the only one searching for these answers. Turns out I do not have a monopoly on the questions. Everyone I've met has asked these or similar questions more than once in their lives.

We start as babies with a clean slate. People we meet, the circumstances of our lives, and all the actions we take, inscribe indelibly on the slate that represents who we are. But do we let the writing of others define us? Or do we search out our own identity? Can we learn from our histories?

Each of us is unique and our answers will be ours alone.

I don't pretend to have answers for you. I have found a few for myself. However, those answers shift with my mood, my circumstances, and my heart. I continue to search, to redefine, and add new purpose in my life. At seventy+ years old, I know certain truths about myself. I have chosen tag lines to guide my behavior.

In stories, I like a puzzle, struggling human characters, and an ending that offers hope. In my writing, I strive to offer those ingredients to my readers.

In my books, you’ll find stories about:

  • the puzzle of inner and outer identity
  • the impact of people and circumstances on my characters
  • the course of overturned lives
  • characters who find inner strength and skills to put things right in their world

In life, my frequent questioning about who I am, why I’m here, and how I can cope shapes my life. I seek to find answers for myself.

For stories, my tag line is:
Stories that set things right.... characters that find their way.

Here’s a tag line my mother taught by example.

Leave everyone and everything better than you find them.
  • When we ate at a campground on a road trip, she picked up trash left by others.
  • When we used a public washroom, she wiped down not only the sink she used but the others as well.
  • She picked up children who had fallen, held doors open for seniors, and smiled at people she passed.
  • Small actions that took moments but left things better than she found them. They may seem trivial, but like sands make a beach, small actions make a good life.

Her life might have also had this tagline

When you fall, get up and try again, and never turn down a good laugh.
For me, that line helps me stay focused and to make daily decisions in all areas of my life.
Learn, love, and share.

Writers - Do you have a tag line for your books?
People - Do you have one for your personal life story?

  • Is your purpose to help? Teach? Create? Fix? Build?
  • Which of your actions leave you smiling and joy-filled?
  • What is your daily intent? Can you sum it up in one line?

How would you summarize your life ideas into one line?

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Introduction to Saturday's Child by Rosemary Morris

To learn more about Rosemary's work please click on the cover above.

I enjoyed writing my new novel, Saturday’s Child, set in Brighton on the south coast of England during the Regency era.
My research included interesting facts about libraries, boarding houses, fashion and much more.
Before I began the novel, I spent hours thinking about the characters. Then, from the first paragraph to the last, Annie took me by the hand and led me through the challenges she overcame.

“After the Battle of Waterloo, motherless ten-year-old Annie travels to London with her father, Private Johnson. Discharged from the army, instead of the hero’s welcome he deserves, his desperate attempts to make an honest living fail. Without food or shelter, death seems inevitable. Driven by desperation Johnson pleads for help from Georgiana Tarrant, his deceased colonel’s daughter.
Georgiana, who founded a charity to assist soldiers’ widows and orphans, agrees to provide for them.
At Major and Mrs Tarrant’s luxurious house, Annie is fed, bathed and given clean clothes. Although she and her father, her only relative, will be provided for there is a severe price. Johnson will work for Georgiana while Annie is educated at the Foundling House Georgiana established.
Despite the years she spent overseas when her dear father fought against the French, the horror she witnessed, and recent destitution Annie’s spirit is not crushed. She understands their separation is inevitable because her father cannot refuse employment. Annie vows that one day she will work hard for her living and never again be poor. It is fortunate she cannot foresee the hardship and tragedy ahead to be overcome when she is an adult.”

Saturday, July 4, 2020

Death of King Charles II By Katherine Pym


First, a little about him…

King Charles II
King Charles II lived a life full of sex and sport. During his youth, he learned to keep his own counsel. He was kind natured, only allowing his need for revenge against a few of the regicides. Cromwell was one of these, even though already dead and buried.

Charles took a long time to come to a state decision. He’d put it off with a wave of his hand, and play with one of his women. He loved spaniels, and several romped in his private chambers, soiling the floors so that no one could walk across the room in a straight line.

Charles' siblings with their spaniels
Even though he reigned in a Protestant country, while on the run in 1651 after his defeat at the Battle of Worcester, Charles was protected at their peril by Catholics. For a few hours, Charles hid in a priest hole, very snug and claustrophobic, while Parliament men searched for him. By the end of his trek through England and into exile, Charles had gained a high regard for Catholics and Catholicism.

But I digress.

While Charles reigned, he did not confide in many. He was considered an enigma by both his contemporaries and those who study him. He had a kind heart. His nature made people comfortable. They confided in him, wanted to be near him. But when Charles wanted to be alone, or was tired of the subject, he’d pull out his watch. Those who knew of this would quickly state their business, for soon their king would walk away.

Charles loved reading (not political or religious). He brought great strides to the theatre sector, and he enjoyed science. In 1660, he approved a charter for The Royal Society. The group of great minds, Isaac Newton for one, met at Gresham College in London City. Experiments took place there, including draining the veins of a dog into the veins of another dog. The results amazed those curious people.

So, we come to his death…

Cruel Medicine
‘He fell sick of a tertian fever’, but the official cause of death is: Uraemia (per—“a condition resulting from the retention in the blood of constituents normally excreted in the urine.”), chronic nephritis. Syphilis.

On the evening of February 1, 1685, Charles went to bed with a sore foot. By early morning, he was very ill with fever. His physician (Sir Edmund King) tended to his foot whilst a barber shaved his head. Suddenly, the king suffered apoplexy. His physician immediately withdrew sixteen ounces of blood. Sir Edmund took a big risk, and could have been charged with treason. The protocol was to get permission from the Privy Council prior to a bloodletting.

But they were learning. First microscope

For several days, Charles was tormented by his physicians. As a private man this must have been difficult. Surrounded by more physicians than could gain his bed, they attempted to remove the ‘toxic humours’ that penetrated his body.

He was bled and purged. Cantharides plasters were stuck to his bald pate. They caused blistering. They attached plasters of spurge to his feet, then red-hot irons to his skin. Besides the large number of physicians crowding his bed, His Royal Highness’ bedchamber was filled to the walls with spectators (family members and state officials).

They gave the poor king “enemas of rock salt and syrup of buckthorn, and ‘orange infusion of metals in white wine’. The king was treated with a horrific cabinet of potions: white hellebore root; Peruvian bark; white vitriol of peony water; distillation of cowslip flowers; sal ammoniac; julep of black cherry water (an antispasmodic); oriental bezoar stone from the stomach of a goat and boiled spirits from a human skull.”

After days of this, he apologized for taking so long to die, then added, “I have suffered much more than you can imagine.”

Finally, on February 6, 1685 “the exhausted king, his body raw and aching with the burns and inflammation caused by his treatment, was given heart tonics, to no avail. He lapsed into a coma and died at noon on February 7.”

His death is considered by historians as “iatrogenic regicide”.


I give thanks to Royal Poxes & Potions, The Lives of Court Physicians, Surgeons & Apothecaries, by Raymond Lamont-Brown.

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