I'm straddling two celebrations in my current blog post.
Friday, February 28, 2025
Valentines, Chocolates, and Good Luck Charms By Connie Vines #ebookweek25, #Smashwords Connie Vines
Thursday, February 27, 2025
Little health miracles of everyday foods and spices - by Vijaya Schartz
My mother always told me to eat my carrots for rosy skin.
Blueberries are good for your eyes.
A spoonful of peanut butter a day will keep children (and adults) free of warts.
Chicken noodle soup will help cure a cold.
Garlic, a natural antibiotic, is good for the heart and will kill worms in the digestive system.
Honey is a natural antibiotic.
Blue cheese (the stinky kind) is also a natural antibiotic.
Chamomile tea will calm your stomach and help you sleep.
Warm milk before bed will help you sleep.
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The modest myrtle plant |
A pinch of Cayenne Pepper in your morning coffee is good for your heart and blood.
Curry is a gentle laxative, especially with vegetables.
A concoction of turmeric, fresh ginger, cinnamon and milk will ease arthritic pain.
Moroccan spice (blend of paprika, cumin, cinnamon, clove, ginger, and cayenne) taken daily will prevent herpes flare ups.
Cinnamon lowers blood sugar.
Sage can help brain function, even in Alzheimer’s patients.
Turmeric is all the rage, hailed as an anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antiviral, antibacterial, and antiparasitic remedy (but beware of contraindications like gallbladder disease, blood clotting disorder, liver disease, diabetes, blood thinners, antiplatelet medications).
Wednesday, February 26, 2025
Faux pas at the Jazz Concert by Kevin and Bruce McKern
Monday, February 24, 2025
Facing Fears by Joan Donaldson-Yarmey
Facing Fears
I have a fear of flying, a fear of heights, and a fear of falling from heights. My motto: I believe in terra firma. The more firma the less terra.
Because of those fears, it took years before I would fly and more years before I trusted the plane I was on not to crash. Even now I still worry each time I get on a plane. Recently, I was on vacation in Mazatlan with my son and daughter-in-law. Their timeshare is right on the beach so I would watch people parasailing out over the ocean and landing safely back on land. It is something I’ve watched before and thought I would like to try-someday. Well, that day arrived while I was there. I gathered up my courage and with my son at my side, went to talk with the men on the beach. I paid the money and was given a life jacket to put on. Then I was hooked up to the sail and a rope from the boat knotted to the equipment. I was told to sit and the boat started pulling me over the sand and soon I was rising up in the air.
My stomach clenched, I held on to the straps for dear life, and I started to hyperventilate. But I looked at the view and it was amazing: the ocean, the city, the mountains in the distance. However, each time the wind whipped at the sail and I went sideways I would gasp and may even have done some swearing. I had been told that once I was up in the air I could relax and let go of the straps. No %$&# way. I was taken in a loop over the water and eventually the boat slowed and I began to descend. I had a walkie talkie and was told to pull on the ropes of the sail to guide me towards the beach (I’d been given instructions how to do it) and I made a safe, stand-up landing. And I felt exhilarated. I had done it, faced my fears and had a new experience.
Fear is fear and many new writers face the fear of sitting down and writing the story they want to. Many don’t tell anyone about their writing aspirations. Part way through their manuscript they doubt their abilities as a writer and think about scraping the whole process. If they finish the manuscript, they worry that no one will like and are afraid to put their ‘baby’ out in the world where it risks rejection. If they do find someone to read it and get back some negative feedback, they are tempted to quit writing altogether. If they get far enough in the process where they think about trying to find an agent or publisher, all the worries surface again. Each of these is a big step in a writer’s life and fear and doubt rule them all. Even once a book is published the writer wonders how it will be received by the readers.
If I didn’t face my fears of flying and heights, I would never
go beyond the oceans that surround Canada. As a writer, if I hadn’t overcome my fears of
rejection I wouldn’t have over twenty books traditionally published.
Even if my first writing hadn’t been accepted, I would still
consider myself a winner for I had been brave enough to try something new and
different. Just like flying, and walking across bridges that span canyons and
gorges, and parasailing, I have done something that scared me and won. So I advise every new writer to follow your dream and don't let fear stop you. Face it and overcome it and enjoy being a writer.
And never let age stop you from doing anything. I plan on skydiving when I am 90 years old. Gives me a few years to psych myself up.

Sunday, February 23, 2025
Why I Write Romance by Victoria Chatham
I have always enjoyed reading romance novels, from my first
Georgette Heyer Regency romance to the latest contemporary romance. For me,
they were and are pure escapism which is why I now write romance. Romance
Writers of America defines it as ‘two basic elements comprise every romance novel:
a central love story and an emotionally satisfying and optimistic ending.’
Over the years, many people I have met who discovered I am
an author have told me they could write a romance as “It’s only a basic formula,
after all.” And as one close friend, who should have known better, once said,
“Two people meet, fall in love, get married, have two children and a dog. The
end.” She had utterly ignored the times she had seen or heard me almost
pulling my hair out while trying to determine the nuances of building my
characters to make them not only unique but also plausible or deciding what
subplot would best create confusion and conflict in their burgeoning
As with any genre, those subplots and conflict are necessary
parts of the storytelling process to keep your reader engaged, but in a romance
novel, the love story must be the main focus. Romance novels swing through a
whole arc from sweet to super hot and in many subgenres, from historical and
contemporary to fantasy, young adult, and paranormal, and more. At each end of the heat scale, they can swing from spiritual to sexy. Whatever the heat level, our romantic couple must
risk everything for each other before they get their happy-ever-after or
happy-for-now ending.
I love putting my very proper Regency heroines into
unexpected and sometimes dangerous situations. They are not simpering sampler stitchers
but real live flesh and blood up and at ‘em in your face type gals. As I have
often been told, my heroines are far too out of the box for a traditional
Regency romance, but those are the kinds of characters I like, so that’s what I
write and make no apologies for.
My heroes, the guys who often raise their eyebrows at the
shenanigans my gals become embroiled in, are, indeed, my heroes. No one is
perfect, but they are perfect enough in my eyes to take centre stage and
support, thwart, or otherwise involve themselves with these feisty, fearless
females. They are usually aristocratic lords, the epitome of the English ton,
who often have to step outside of their rigid social structure to deal with the
uppity females in their lives.
My research into the historical facts for the Regency years (strictly 1811 – 1820) is in-depth and solid enough to create my characters’ worlds and costumes realistically. Visiting museums is a must and I had fun with the bonnets at the Costume Museum in Bath, UK.
I was shocked when I discovered that novels set before 1950 are considered historical. My historical romances cover the years 1814 to 1818 (Regency), 1907 to 1918 (Edwardian), and 1935, the last being Book #1 in BWL Publishing Inc’s Canadian
Historical Brides Collection.
I am currently working on a cozy mystery series, but I have
no doubt that I will eventually return to where it all began and write romance
Victoria Chatham
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