Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Where Does A Writer’s Mind Go In The Spring?

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Where Does A Writer’s Mind Go In The Spring?

Spring has sprung, the grass is rising, darn, need to break out my lawnmower again and start another year of mowering and cursering at how I plant one bulb and get eighteen hundred weeds and the raccoons made off with my bulb for a fabulous lunch. So how come they don’t invent raccoon-proof bulbs that taste like curry when they bite into them. Yes, it’s been well documented that while raccoons love Chinese food, especially chop suey, they won’t go near any curry houses’ garbage cans. Small wonder the total population of raccoons in India and most parts of England is zero.
                So spring is about to be thrust upon us once again and that means Easter as well. I’ve already seen geese heading north and hens scurrying about in fright clenching their nether bits in fear. I’ve decided to write about topics in this blog that no other writer has ever written about. How am I doing so far?
                I was going to start with the educational part and talk about how to remove candy floss from your cat’s fur. Only the cat moved every time I tried to stick it on him. Which led me to believe that felines hate candy floss, well except the mouse-flavoured variety.
                So instead I thought of writing about the weird varieties of birds living in the jungles of the planet Eriditae in the constellation of Chickadeea. This is easy to write about since no one has ever been there or even know if such a place exists, except in this universe of a billion, zillion to the one millionth degree of known galaxies. Which would make the sands of the Sahara desert look like a sandbox for fleas in comparison. Hey if I can think it, it has to be out there. And if I can dream it, I can invent it. Just ask Einstein.
                You know, the dude who said something clever before breakfast one morning like E=MC2. He was trying to explain that if E=coffee, M=sugar and C=cream squared, he’d be the first person to ask for a double double. Which he did say to a fellow Torontonian while sitting next to the penalty box during a hockey game. Unfortunately for Tim Horton, he was the fellow sitting in the box at the time. Tim, known for his great elbows and fast thinking wit tied that idea with selling discarded parts of the donut no one wanted. The holes or bits as he called them, gave up his skates and made a fortune, all thanks to Albert.
                Or I could write about how to be polite and not point to rhinoceros crossing the road holding Gucci handbags, but I think that was done before.
                Okay how about this for a topic from my vacation to Bora Bora, where, at Easter. The natives dress up as Elvis on Tuesdays (Yeah, I asked the same question and would have picked Wednesday myself). They dance around in tutus to Saturday Night Fever. But I doubt anyone would believe me, even though I’ve got pictures to prove it.
                Or I could write about the many advantages knitting has over crocheting, but I’m not about to upset my granny. I did ask her once and suffered through three hours, afternoon tea (eight cups), 21 chocolate biscuits and a rather boring lesson on how to properly drink tea while dining with the Queen. I learned my lesson and never dis anyone over seventy on the topic of yarn. I haven’t even mentioned the rude letters I got from disgruntled sheep threatening to see if I like having my hairs sheared. BAAaa-aad
                But with spring in the air I realized that I’m not one to write about several silly topics that no one else ever has, well maybe one. No sorry, couldn’t lower myself to those standards and I hear the lawnmower muttering away, “turn me on and let’s have at those annoying green things popping up everywhere.”

                Do you think the Easter Bunny ever has this problem in the fall when he’s really bored? 

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Monday, March 21, 2016

Lego Card by Cheryl Wright


This is a very simple, but quite fiddly card for a young child.

To make the Lego pieces, cut out squares of different coloured cardstock. Then using the same colours, cut or punch four small-ish circles of the matching colours. Pop them up with dimensional foam and add them to the center of each coloured square as shown. The greeting can be added wherever you wish. (I used white embossing powder for mine.)

The colours pop more if added to black cardstock.

I hope you've enjoyed this post. Thanks for reading, and I'll see you next time!


My website:  www.cheryl-wright.com 
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BWL website: http://bookswelove.net/authors/wright-cheryl/ 

Books We Love's Tantalizing Talent ~ Author Joan Hall Hovey

I've always been drawn to the dark side of the human psyche, and devoured everything from Edgar Allan Poe to Shirley Jackson growing up. It is no surprise to me I turned out to be a writer of psychological suspense, often with threads of paranormal, mystery and romance.

I like to write about ordinary women who are at a difficult time in their lives, and are suddenly faced with an external evil force. Women who are stronger than they think they are. I didn't think a whole lot about theme until I had written a couple of books, but I realized with the writing of my third novel 'Chill Waters' that my books generally have to do with betrayal and abandonment in some form, and learning to trust again. And more important, learning to trust oneself. Almost any good book will tell you something about the author herself. (Or himself.) You can't avoid it. But first and foremost I want to give readers a roller-coaster ride, one that keeps them on the edge of that proverbial seats and resonates in the imagination long after the last page is read.

In addition to my award-winning novels, my articles and short stories have appeared in any many publications including The Toronto Star, Atlantic Advocate, Seek, Home Life Magazine, Mystery Scene. My short story Dark Reunion was anthologized in investigating Women, Published by Simon & Pierre.

I've held workshops and given talks at various schools and libraries, including New Brunswick Community College, and the University of New Brunswick. I am also a tutor with Winghill School, a distance education school in Ottawa for aspiring writers.

I'm a member of the Writer's Federation of New Brunswick, past regional Vice-President of Crime Writers of Canada and International Thriller Writers.



Following the deaths of her husband, Corey, and ten year old daughter Ellie in a traffic accident, author Abby Miller sinks ever deeper into depression. She contemplates suicide as a way to be with them, and to end her unrelenting pain.

In a last desperate effort to find peace, she drives to Loon Lake where they last vacationed together, wanting to believe they will be waiting for her there. At least in spirit. Barring that, the pills Doctor Gregory gave her to help her sleep, are in her purse.

The cabin at Loon Lake was her and Corey’s secret hideaway, and not even Abby’s sister, Karen, to whom she is close, knows where it is.

But someone else does. He is one of three men who have escaped from Pennington prison. They are dangerous predators who will stop at nothing to get what they want - and to keep from going back to prison. Having already committed atrocious crimes, they have nothing to lose.

Unknowingly, Abby is on a collision course with evil itself. And the decision of whether or live or die will soon be wrenched from her hands.

A suspense novel interwoven with threads of romance and paranormal.

Imagine discovering everything you believe about yourself to be a lie. And that the truth could stir a killer from his lair.

Following the death of the woman she believed to be her mother, 28-year-old Naomi Waters learns from a malicious aunt that she is not only adopted, but the product of a brutal rape that left her birth mother, Mary Rose Francis, a teenager of Micmac ancestry, in a coma for 8 months.

Dealing with a sense of betrayal and loss, but with new purpose in her life, Naomi vows to track down Mary Rose's attackers and bring them to justice. She places her story in the local paper, asking for information from residents who might remember something of the case that has been cold for nearly three decades.

She is about to lose hope that her efforts will bear fruit, when she gets an anonymous phone call. Naomi has attracted the attention of one who remembers the case well.

But someone else has also read the article in the paper. The man whose DNA she carries.

And he has Naomi in his sights.


After nine years in Bayshore mental institution, once called The Lunatic Asylum, Caroline is being released.  There will be no one to meet her. Her parents who brought her here are dead.

They have found her a room in a rooming house, a job washing dishes in a restaurant. She will do fine, they said. But no one told her that women in St. Simeon are already dying at the hands of a vicious predator. One, an actress who lived previously in her building.

And now, as Caroline struggles to survive on the outside, she realizes someone is stalking her.But who will believe her? She's a crazy woman after all.

Then, one cold winter's night on her way home from her job, a man follows and is about to assault her when a stranger intercedes.

A stranger who hides his face and whispers her name.

TRAGIC SPAWN (previously Defective)


Saturday, March 19, 2016

Dear Dog of Destruction by Stuart R. West

(A personal letter to my dog, but everyone's welcome to read):

Zak, what did I ever do to you to fill you with so much rage? Didn't my wife snatch you from one of her students who found you pillaging in their trash? Didn't we take you into our house and offer you food, love and shelter? Haven't we set you up with a heated doggy pillow? So why do you repay us with such a disdain for our furniture?
Okay, you're not allowed on the sofas. I know that upsets you. I'm only allowed on them after a shower. Stuff happens. But you don't have human rights. You gotta stop ripping up the sofa when the mailman comes. Yes, he brings bills and fliers about hair removal. But you can't know that. Even if you did understand "humanese," it's still not a reason to wreck the house. (Let me rip up the sofa when I see the bills.)

One time you were so angry at the mailman, you put your paw through a glass picture frame. Who was there to rush you to the doggy doctor, terrified at the sight of all the blood? And who had to put up with the questions and nervous looks as to why I had blood stains all over the back seat of my car? I was nearly branded a serial killer, thanks to you, my furious, furry friend. But I've stayed with you through thick and tics.

You can be fun sometimes. Sweet, actually. It's a shame you don't like buses, joggers, motorcycles, trucks, trash men, door-ringing politicians (that one I agree with), the ice cream truck, and of course, mailmen. Everyone has their peculiarities. Other than that, you're a wonderful creature. Sort of.

Frankly, I'm at a loss why we humans put up with your furry kind at times. But I'm onto you. Took a while, though. When I try and load you into my car to go to your weekly doggy day care (I know, I know), you feign an inability to jump into my vehicle. You insist I lift all of your sixty-five pounds. Very stubborn. Huh. Of course, you have absolutely no problem jumping into my wife's car, do you? When my wife told me you were playing me, I grew furious!

I realize you see my wife (even my daughter) as your pack-masters. But c'mon! I'm the one who feeds you, walks you, hangs with you more than they do! Alas, I am but your play-pal. Sigh.

Why, in your honor, Zak, I even created a character in my thriller series, Killers Incorporated, who loves dogs. Sure, he's a sociopathic, hot-headed serial killer. But he will see no harm done to dogs. Can't be all that bad, right?

But here's the bottom line, Zak. Every time I get angry with you, I holler, rant and rave. Then I look into your golden eyes and melt. You had me at the facial licking.

P.S., chocolate's not good for you. It's like toxic lima beans. Only deadlier. One would think you'd get a clue by now.

Your play-pal,



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