decorating can be an innovative and rewarding career for those with the gift of
creative vision, dedication to detail, and the ability to manage a client’s expectations.
Patience is also key, as is keeping pace with changing trends.
Upton in the romantic suspense novel, Dangerous Getaway, is a fledgling
decorator seizing upon a golden opportunity to work for influential and
well-respected businessman, Shaw Garland, at Birch Shadow, tucked away in the picturesque
hills of Elgin, New Brunswick. She is thrilled at the possibility of adding him
to her growing list of clientele. Birch Shadow’s aging interior décor requires
a substantial upgrade and if Grace succeeds in securing this coveted assignment,
it will help establish her professional reputation, but there was much to be
“Grace was not prepared for the interior to be quite so dated as was
immediately apparent, but she knew it could be easily remedied with a few
cosmetic improvements as she gave the living room a careful once over. The
building for its age seemed remarkably sound and whoever had designed it had
done so with an eye to the future. Just as Rhone Alexander had indicated, one
whole wall was comprised of glass, in contrast with the smaller latticed
windows she’d seen at the front of the building. The plate glass had no doubt
been installed in recent years and was dedicated entirely to the magnificent
view that created the desired effect. It was as if the living room was in the
mountains, part of the landscape itself. She agreed though that the draperies,
now pushed back on both sides, were unlined and clearly sun punished and in
need of replacement.
Additionally the sofa and several chairs were faded, and although in
good repair would either have to be reupholstered or replaced. Three large
brass lamps, each of a different design, were outstanding pieces, unusual and
highly collectible, but did however cry out for new shades. The throw rug that
claimed the centre of the polished parquet floor was another heirloom piece, a
handsome shade of vermillion, or had been, because it too suffered from
prolonged sun exposure. It was wonderful to have a sunny room, but it
eventually took its toll on furnishings and artwork, especially photographs.”
long as there have been occupied dwellings, there has been the desire to create
agreeable living spaces. And while there are those who disagree as to what
qualifies as some of those early decorating attempts, includes cave paintings as
“definite steps were taken to make interiors more pleasing to inhabit.”
Ancient Egyptians are also credited with the practice of interior decorating, as
they clearly enhanced their mud homes with “animal skins, simple textiles,
graphic biographical and spiritual murals, sculptures, and painted urns”. And the
wealthier and more powerful the population, the grander and more elaborate the
doesn’t mean that ordinary people, limited budget and all, don’t do their own
decorating. With natural ability and access now to the Internet and any number
of excellent decorating magazines and tutorials, it’s much easier to create an
interesting space that reflects individual taste. A little wallpaper, a little
one time it was only the well-heeled members of society who had the means to access
outside assistance to help them decorate their homes and public spaces. In most
cases it was the desire to showcase wealth and status. The common man was usually
more concerned with simply surviving day-to-day, with little or no time or resources
for elaborate decorating.
might be a good idea to differentiate between interior design and interior decorating.
According to www.rmcad.ed “While there is
some overlap in interior design and interior decorating, they are fundamentally
different. Interior design is the art and science of understanding people’s
behavior to create functional spaces within a building, while interior
decorating is the furnishing or adorning of a space with decorative elements to
achieve a certain aesthetic. In short, interior designers may decorate, but
decorators do not design.”
though you will see the two terms used interchangeably, as I did while doing
research for this blog.
“the art of interior decoration” gained popularity in the early 1800’s, and saw
a boost in recognition with the founding of the Institute of British Decorators
in 1899.” ( There have been those who distinguished themselves
as interior decorators during that time in the UK (cousins Rhoda and Agnes
Garret), and later in North America as professional interior decorating continued
to take root. Elsie de Wolfe, born in New York in 1865, earned the title of
“America’s first decorator”. According
to, Ms. De Wolfe “had a gift for redecorating a space”.
Her eye saw a “simple, warm, airy and refined tone” that distanced itself from
the ponderous Victorian influence that was prevalent at the time. She left a
lasting impression on the industry with light fresh colours and delicate prints”,
comfort being the hallmark of her popular interiors.
Draper was the first to establish an actual business based on interior design
in the US, Dorothy Draper & Company ( The creation
of modern Baroque is credited to her. She was also a pioneer, unafraid to
introduce bold “technicolour colour patterns and combinations.” She said: “Decorating is just sheer fun: a
delight in colour, an awareness of balance, a feeling for lighting, a sense of
style, a zest for life, and an amused enjoyment of smart accessories of the
was Paris during the ascetic 1930’s that inspired interior decorator Jean-Michel
Frank, “the father of minimalism” with his “understated luxurious finishes and
spare details. By using “subtle yet rich
materials”, he enjoyed incorporating “interesting and complicated features” into
his work. Despite the difficult economic times, there was apparently no shortage
of affluent clientele. He used simple shapes to enhance their interiors, but
made his statement through “ornate, complex and textured” materials, fabrics
and textures. According to this decorator’s effect on
the industry also included “blocky, rectangular club chairs and sofas”.
fourth decorator in the top five whose influence on decorating is still felt
today is Albert Hadley, considered to be “the dean of American decorators”. He catered
to such wealthy clients as Rockefeller, Astor, Getty and Mellon. It is said he
“appreciated his art like no other”, and is quoted as saying: “Design is about
discipline and reality, not about fantasy beyond reality”. To Albert Hadley,
balance and modern mixes of design styles were key, and he always opted for what
he considered to be “interesting” rather than “modern vs. traditional”. His
effect on interior design was his passion for chintz, and the importance of
perfecting a floor plan and clean lines before moving to “colours, fabric, texture
and paint.”.
lastly in the top five of lasting influencers who helped “set the bar” is
Sister Parish. Her interior design shop in New Jersey “boasted some of the most
interesting pieces of the time and her designs are ‘credited with popularizing
American country aesthetic in the 1960’s.’ “ Parish “seamlessly married together design
elements like stripes, chintz, hooked rugs, quilted textures and overstuffed
armchairs”. Her effect on the industry also includes: “elaborately and
creatively painted floors, and antique but comfortable Anglo-Saxon accents and
by all of these and creative to the core, Grace Upton in Dangerous Getaway was
equally as passionate about the work she was hoping to be hired to do at Birch Shadow.
Ideas tumbled excitedly over each other in her mind as she assessed the
premises. And then everything went sideways.