Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Regency Travel Part 1 - the Horses by Victoria Chatham

I was once asked if I could write a story without horses in it. As I write historical, and specifically Regency, romance, the answer was a resounding no. From the smallest child’s pony to the largest draught horse, the horse was a necessity of life.

Just as now, a horse was an expense that many families could not afford. To this end, job masters hired out horses at twelve guineas a month, a carriage and pair plus a coachman for about forty guineas a month. Those that could afford their own horses would pay anything from one-hundred guineas for a well-trained carriage horse up to one-thousand guineas for a matched pair and four-thousand or more for a team of four.

The best carriage horses were good to look at, had showy action, were even-tempered and sound. Any reader of Regency romance may be familiar with Georgette Heyer’s description of ‘sixteen-mile-an-hour tits’ in several of her novels. Basically, this is a horse that can cover sixteen miles in an hour. Thanks to an edict by Henry VIII requiring the wealthy to keep good trotting stallions, which made better war horses capable of carrying a heavy man, the likes of the Yorkshire and Norfolk Trotters had been around for centuries.

In the fourteenth century, the Norfolk Trotter influenced the development of the Hackney horse in that county. Great flexion in their knees and hocks produced an exaggerated high, showy and very popular leg action.
Hackney horse Killearn Magician foaled in 1925

The Cleveland Bay, developed in the Cleveland area of Yorkshire in the seventeenth century was a sturdy well-muscled horse and, as its name suggests, always bay in colour. A typical bay will have a black mane and tail, and black legs which made them very popular amongst the driving fraternity for being the same colour and height.

Cleveland Bay
But then along came Scottish engineer John Loudon McAdam, who developed a road-building system that so improved the diabolical highways and byways linking villages, towns and cities in Great Britain, that faster travel was possible. Breeders began looking at the qualities of existing breeds to see how the Roadster, or trotting horse, could be improved. The Cleveland Bays, with relatively short legs in comparison to their body size, were not considered fast enough but nor were the Trotters and Hackneys. Their sharp up/down action actually inhibits speed because their legs do not swing far enough forward from the shoulder with each stride.  

Thoroughbred lines were introduced into breeding and cross-breeding Trotters and Cleveland Bays until a taller, longer-legged horse standing up to seventeen and a half hands high (17.5 hh) but consistently about sixteen and a half hands (16.5 hh) was produced. It was strong, even-tempered, had the classic bay colour, with hard blue-black hooves and became known as the Yorkshire Coach Horse. This horse was the Ferrari of its era and it was popular up until 1936 when declining numbers forced the closure of the studbook.
Yorkshire Coach Horse

In July 1800, a horse called Phenomenon bred by Robert and Philip Ramsdale covered seventeen miles in fifty-three minutes. The journey from London to York could be travelled in twenty hours, with stops every ten to fifteen miles to change horses and, according to Georgette Heyer in Devil’s Cub, the sixty-six miles between London and Newmarket was covered in under four hours.  

The horse, then as now, generated a huge industry as it required grooms and coachmen, farriers and feed merchants, harness makers and carriages - which I will cover in my next post.

Photographs: Pinterest

 Victoria Chatham


Monday, October 21, 2019

FREE READ The Apothecary's Widow, leeches and blood, by Diane Scott Lewis

In my novel, The Apothecary's Widow, a murder mystery, Free Read for October, I delved into eighteenth century apothecaries. Set in Truro, England, in 1781, Jenna Rosedew has taken over her husband's practice after his death. But soon she'll be accused of murder.
In researching the apothecary business, I found that many of the poorer people used the apothecary as a doctor, since it was cheaper for them.

I visited an actual eighteenth century apothecary's shop in Fredericksburg, Virginia, once owned by Hugh Mercer. We were shown squiggly leeches, and how they were used to heal the sick, sucking out poisons in the body. Leeches are sometimes used today, shockingly now for beauty treatments.
Bloodletting was another popular treatment, a quick cut in the vein, and blood dripped into a bowl. It was supposed to restore the humors.
Hugh Mercer's shop, courtesy of Wikipedia
Hugh Mercer was a Scotsman and a close friend of George Washington. He was a doctor and a soldier. Unfortunately, he was killed during the American Revolution.
Apothecaries of this time mixed their own concoctions, grinding herbs, boiling simple syrups. Melting candy to make cough syrups.

Jenna is diligent in her work, but when a prominent woman dies after drinking one of her tinctures, fingers point at her. Branek, the woman's husband, also comes under suspicion. His marriage was far from happy. But secrets abound and a revengeful constable can't wait to take both of them down for a hanging. Will Jenna and Branek learn to trust one another and work together to find the killer? And what about the attraction they begin to feel, as they are a most unsuitable couple?

Download the FREE READ (scroll down to cover pic of The Apothecary's Widow, that will take you to the PDF, click to download here: BWL FREE READ

For more information on me and my books, please visit my website: Diane Scott Lewis

Diane Scott Lewis grew up in California, traveled the world with the navy, edited for magazines and an on-line publisher. She lives with her husband, and a naughty new puppy, in Western Pennsylvania.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Halloween's Scary Creatures

Terror on Sunshine Boulevard
Available at major online booksellers

Caution: Do not read before bedtime, especially during Halloween!
Hello and welcome to the BWL Authors Insiders Blog.

Are you ready for Halloween? I never think of all the candy and parties that happen around Halloween. After being scared to death by a movie when I was a child, I only focus on staying away from scary monsters and ghosts this time of year. Zombies, vampires, witches, skeletons are not for me. 

Last year I participated in the A-Z Blog Challenge coming up with a blog post for 26 days in April. It truly was a challenge but oh so much fun for this word nerd. I chose to highlight words that I had learned in my reading. For the letter G, my word was gorgon. A gorgon is definitely another creature you might find on Halloween night. defines gorgon as a fierce, frightening, or repulsive woman.

Medusa--a scary woman perfect for Halloween
Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay

Just to give you an idea how fierce and repulsive this woman is, the second definition of gorgon is “in classical mythology, each of three sisters, Stheno, Euryale, and Medusa, with snakes for hair, who had the power to turn anyone who looked at them to stone.”  Does that give you an idea for your next Halloween costume? 

If you are a follower of Greek mythology, you'll know the story of Medusa. She was the only sister who was immortal and was slain by the demigod and hero Perseus. If you do attend the Halloween costume parties dressed as Medusa, I would suggest not to take Perseus with you.!!

If you take part in Halloween festivities, I hope you have a safe and fun time!

Are you attending a costume party? What costume are you wearing? Leave a comment below and let us know. Thanks.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

How To Get Away With Murder In Your Sleep by Stuart R. West

I murder a lot of people in my sleep.
Click on through to the other side for murderrrrrr...
Wait, wait, wait... Before you call the police, let me explain. No, I don't sleepwalk and stab snoozily away, nothing like that. Rather, I have a recurring nightmare where I've killed someone (that and the horrifying nightmare where I walk into the world's grossest public restroom barefoot, but that's a dream better left untold).

The odd thing is I never dream the actual killing, nor do I have any idea who my victims are. You'd kinda think those two issues might be important, but no my Id chooses to cut to the Dostoevsky-like chase: waiting for the noose to tighten around my throat as Johnny Law moves in.

What does this say about me as a person? According to the intronets, I have a guilt-ridden mind. Of what? No idea.

I searched my back history for various explanations... Maybe that kid in Kindergarten who I helped to harass because everyone else was? Maybe how I rudely ghosted a woman I dated in college? How about when I used to smoke, I'd toss the butts out on the highway? Or perhaps Karma's getting back at me for cutting in line for a roller-coaster at Worlds of Fun. I don't know...

But these dreams are long, stressful and convoluted. The other night I had my victim all ready to go, trundled up in a plastic trash bag (I assume they were extra, EXTRA strength), and ready to put out on the curb for trash pick-up day. Once the body was picked up and put in the back of the trash truck, I'd be in the clear. However...dogs kept sniffing around the bag. I had to continue shooing them away. Then neighborhood kids kept circling on their bikes, moving in closer, wanting to know what was in the bag ("You kids get outta my yard!"). Then, cop cars started slowly crawling by my house...looking...

How'd it all turn out? Beats me. I ended up at some ridiculous bus station with a miles-long line of people waiting to board the bus, on the lam with my mug plastered on newscasts throughout the terminal.

Much scarier than any horror flick or current political administration.

Apparently, my "guilt-ridden mind" doesn't stop at nightmares, either. Whenever I see a cop, I break out into a cold sweat, start humming some nonsensical tune, hoping the cop will ignore me, view me as an inconsequential, law-abiding citizen. It doesn't matter that I am a law-abiding citizen. It's just one of those things. "Capiophobia" is what my research assistant, Ms. Google, calls this bewildering fear of cops.
Clicky most massagey.
So. I figured that's why I gravitate toward murder mysteries, both writing and reading them. Unlike my nightmares, I can control the destiny and fate of my characters (mwah, hah, hahhhh!), ensuring that justice is served, and that the good guy and/or gal (generally falsely accused) are cleared of any bogus murder raps. It helps to set my day world right, even if there's nothing to be done about my nightmarish night-life.

And like my nightmares, the murders are never gruesomely delineated. It's the aftermath that's important.

Huh. As a kid, I always thought episodes of "Columbo" were boring. Why? Because they always showed from the on-set who the killer was. It became ninety long minutes of watching the killer sweat it out while Columbo ("Just one more thing...") circled the drain. 

I suppose I might like Columbo better now as I can definitely relate with the killers' increasing paranoia.

Sorta like my character, Zach, in the Zach and Zora comical mystery series. Only he's innocent. You see, Zach (a vapid, but big-hearted male entertainment dancer--don't call him a "stripper!"), has an uncanny knack for stumbling across dead bodies, generally becoming blamed as the killer. It's up to his sister sleuth, Zora, to investigate and clear his name, usually with her entourage of four kids in tow. Together they traverse a warped path to the truth, complete with characters straight outta my nightmares: The hippy parents! The singing and dancing detective! Menacing nannies! The paranoid computer geek! Corrupt politicians! Frenzied furries! Rival strippers! Murderous televangelists! The list goes on...

So, take that, guilt-ridden mind! (Freud would be proud.)
Click it like it's hot!

Thursday, October 17, 2019

After You've Sent The Book Off - Janet Lane Walters #BWLAuthor #Writing #MFRWAuthor

After You’ve Sent the Manuscript Off.
Forgotten Dreams (Moonchild Book 5) by [Walters, Janet Lane] 

After you’ve sent the manuscript off to the agent or editor, what do you do? Wait patiently for a report of start something new?

Since this is my latest release, I’m already well into the next story. Different sub-genre, This afternoon, I spent time with a friend who is fairly new to writing thought she has published several books. As we sat at a table in the mall waiting for people to ask questions about our organization, we talked about writing.

One thing she said gave me pause. She said she’d finished the edits on the book and sent it off. I asked her if she had started something new. She told me this was the first time she’d been able to do that. Usually when she sends a book out, she sits and waits to hear from all the agents or publishers before she starts on something new.

This sent me thinking about the other new writers I have known. Some of them have written that first book and sent it out. THEN THEY WAITED and waited. A few of them never wrote a second book. I really wonder how many writers wait to hear about the book that’s finished and off to an agent or editor and don’t write something new until they hear from all possible places.

I decided I was the odd one. Even while I was finishing the revisions and such on the first book I wrote, I was thinking about the next one. Now remember the first book I wrote made the journey from the house in a box with return postage included many times. By the time I finally did the very last revision using editor’s suggestions, I had three more books ready to send. Those were the days of snail mail.

These days things are different. Books are submitted electronically and can get a yes or no fairly quickly, most of the time. Still, sometimes it’s months between. Why do writers stay dormant? Puzzles me. My thought is when you type the end, you should have a good idea about what the next bok will be about. I’m at the midpoint of my recent write and I already know the opening lines of what will come next. So send out the book and start at least to plan the next one.

Though not the cover for the next one, this cover is for the first book in the trilogy.

 Lines of Fire (The Guild House - Defenders Hall)

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Floods at the Annapolis Boat Show, by J.C. Kavanagh

Darkness Descends,

My partner Ian and I are avid sailors. We own a 36' Catalina sailboat named Escape Route II that we sail all over Georgian Bay and also the North Channel, which, by the way, has been voted the best fresh-water sailing destination in the world. We're both adventurous souls when it comes to sailing and we've decided that in the next few years, we're going to upgrade to a bigger boat and sail to the Caribbean and points further south. And maybe even cross the Atlantic to the Mediterranean.
So we've been checking out all kinds of boat manufacturers on the Internet, trying to decide which type and size to buy. It's difficult to gauge 'online' if a certain type of sailboat meets your needs because the best way is to actually board the boat. When it comes to checking out multiple sailboats, there's no better place than the Annapolis boat show in Maryland, U.S.A. It's the largest in-water sailboat show in North America, with more than 400 sailboats of all sizes and makes on display, just waiting for you to board. Annapolis is about a 10-hour drive from our home north of Toronto, Ontario so we made plans to stay for four days.
What a fantastic four days.

The weather couldn't have been nicer for mid-October: sunny and a very warm 22 degrees Celsius (that's about 72 degrees Fahrenheit). For Canadians, that's delightful 'summer' weather.

And then on Friday morning I received this notification on my cell phone.
And then we noticed this.
See the dock beside the boat on the right?
Yeah, that's underwater.
We kept walking, and saw this.
And this.
That's the Annapolis Waterfront Hotel. Except now it has water in the front and in the back.

We were told that the high tide, combined with the full moon and the after effects of Tropical Storm Melissa, were causing the flood waters. We felt uneasy but the locals all shrugged and said it was 'normal.'

We headed back the next day, Saturday, October 12. By noon, water levels had risen more than two feet above normal. Seawater laps over the docks, inch by inch. People start taking off their socks and shoes and walking through the cold, salt water. 

Water flows into a vendor tent as a little girl 
waits for her dad to save her.

I receive more weather alerts on my cell phone.

At 3:30, all power to the show is shut down. Imagine the voltage used by hundreds of boats all hooked up to mobile electric posts, all on docks that are 'fixed' to the seabed floor. Imagine the thousands of vendors losing power to their debit/credit card machines and all lighting in the vendor tents shut off. Imagine the level of fear in the tens of thousands of visitors when docks adjoining docks suddenly become submerged and exit routes to dry land become limited. Finding accessible exit routes is like finding your way out of a boat-lined maze.

I grab hold of the backpack on Ian's shoulder and hang on as he leads me through the maze and we weave our way through hundreds of boat-gawkers. Everyone is pretty calm, considering the docks are literally sinking beneath us. We head alongside the Passport sailboats - my fave!
 Cream-puff pics from the Passport yacht website

If I had an extra few million dollars lying around, this would be my next sailboat. A Passport 54.5. 
Triple spreader, two staterooms, two heads, linear galley and gigantic main salon. 

Finally, we're on dry-ish land and the show organizers decide, for safety reasons, to close the show early. We look behind and see the swell of people scrambling to get 'out' of the show area. 
Roads around the show have been closed and we watched the water's progress while waiting in line for our bus to take us to the parking area at the Naval Academy. Cars were prohibited from accessing the show and we were thankful that we decided to take advantage of the show's parking bus. What an adventure! It was our first time at the boat show and I know for certain it won't be our last.

Author event November 2

I'll be promoting my books at the Chapters store in Kanata, Ontario on Saturday, November 2. Come on by!

Till next time...

J.C. Kavanagh
The Twisted Climb - Darkness Descends (Book 2)
voted BEST Young Adult Book 2018, Critters Readers Poll and Best YA Book FINALIST at The Word Guild, Canada
The Twisted Climb,
voted BEST Young Adult Book 2016, P&E Readers Poll
Novels for teens, young adults and adults young at heart
Twitter @JCKavanagh1 (Author J.C. Kavanagh)

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Mental Illness Awareness Week

Canada observed Mental Illness Awareness Week during October 6--12 of 2019. Established in 1992, it is coordinated by an alliance of national organizations called the Canadian Alliance on Mental Illness and Mental Health (CAMIMH.)

Mental Illness, historically treated as a matter of shame and denial, is starting to be discussed openly. Much of that credit belongs not only to organizations like CAMIMH, but also to cultural leaders and political parties taking the lead in exposing Canadians to the causes and cures of these debilitating conditions.

The treatment of the mentally ill in the past is a tale of horrors. For long, the mentally ill were considered to be demon-possessed and “cures” centered on driving out evil spirits by painful means.

We now know that mental illnesses are a function of an imbalance of certain brain chemicals. A healthy brain has proper amounts of the following four main chemicals: Dopamine, Glutamate, Norepinephrine and Serotonin. Dopamine controls behavior, emotion and cognition. Glutamate affects early brain development, cognition, learning and memory. Norepinephrine regulates stress levels and is vital in the “Fight vs. Flight” response and, finally, Serotonin plays a vital role in sleep, depression, appetite and mood.

Genetics plays an important role in the manifestation of mental illnesses, as does the environment. In many cases, the underlying genetic condition needs a “trigger,” such as deep stress, a life-changing event or drug use, to manifest. In some cases, mental illnesses are triggered by purely environmental or behavioral factors.

Mental illnesses are a ‘spectrum’ of disorders, with symptoms ranging from mild to severe. For example, while the general public associates schizophrenia with its worst symptoms, such as visual and auditory hallucinations, delusions or even split-personality disorder, the fact is, a large majority of patients are able to recover and lead productive lives. Long term studies show that 25% of all schizophrenic patients fully recover, 35% become much improved and are able to live independently, 15% improve but need an extensive support network, while only 15% need additional intervention or do not recover.

However, the stigma associated with mental illnesses remains its greatest challenge. It prevents the mentally ill from seeking early detection and devastates family members, who may even deny that the condition exists with their loved ones. By education and advocacy, Canadian society is slowly removing this stigma.

One in three Canadians will suffer from some sort of mental illness during their lives; about 8% will suffer from major depression. The number of serious mental sufferers is about equal to those suffering from Alzheimer’s. Thus, mental illness is closer to many Canadians than they may realize. A change in attitude and education is of great value to all Canadians.

Mohan Ashtakala is the author of "Karma Nation," a literary romance and "The Yoga Zapper," a fantasy novel. ( Published by Books We Love (

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