Showing posts with label Diane Scott Lewis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Diane Scott Lewis. Show all posts

Friday, March 21, 2025

Award winning series about the French Revolution, by Diane Scott Lewis


To purchase Escape the Revolution, click HERE
To purchase the sequel, Hostage to the Revolution, HERE

A writer goes through many drafts of their manuscript. This one I worked on the longest, being my first completed novel.

A novel that grew so big I had to cut it in half. Who knew publishers shied away from large novels, though it didn't stop Diana Gabaldon.
I even visited Cornwall and Paris, where my main character lived, struggling to solve her situation.

Settle back, and enjoy this journey through a determined young lady's experience.
The northern coast of Cornwall, England where Bettina works in a tavern

I researched the French Revolution to add flavor to the story of a young countess who is tricked by a trusted servant into fleeing to England to deliver important papers. When she arrives she discovers the paper are blank and she's left penniless and adrift. She must find a way to reconnect with her mother. And uncover the truth of her father's death. She finds herself embroiled in a murderous plot. Escape the Revolution takes place in England, where Bettina must find work to pay her way. With no real skills, she ends up in a bawdy tavern on the Cornish coast where she meets a man who is rumored to have killed his unfaithful wife. Will an attraction happen between them?

The Luxembourg Palace in Paris where Bettina must go to ask a favor of Napoleon

The second novel, Hostage to the Revolution, takes place in New Orleans and France. Bettina discovers the truth of her father's death, and kidnapped by rebels, she escapes into war-torn France to save the man she loves. Through it all, she grows in courage and shrewdness, ready to face any difficulty that comes her way. 

Read an excerpt, the first meeting of the main characters:

“Affreux!” Bettina recoiled from Stephen. “You are … a rutting pig, and have no reason to say that to me!”

He grabbed her upper arms as she tried to shove past him. His bared teeth turned him wolfish, wiping any attractiveness from his features. “A pig, am I? I’ll show you a pig, froggie!”

“Let go of me!” She struck and pushed at him with her fists. But the harder she struggled, the more he laughed. Stephen hauled her to his chest, then brushed his damp lips on her jaw when she whipped back her head. Bettina wrenched up a hand to scratch his cheek.

A horse clopped up. Someone dismounted, jerked Stephen around and punched him in the face.

The young man sprawled on the ground, kicking furiously at the dirt. “Damme! Who the hell—oh!” He staggered to his feet and sped off into the twilight, his footfalls echoing across the cottages.

Bettina froze, her hand at her throat, heaving for breath. Facing the person who came to her aid, she took in a tall figure in cape and hat silhouetted against the darkening sky.

“Are you all right, young woman?” The man spoke in a deep, resonant voice. The clean, faint scent of spice floated around him.

“Yes … merci,” she uttered through tight lips. "Who are--"

“Then if you don’t live far, you had better proceed home.”

Bettina didn't wait for more and hurried up the road. Once she reached the inn porch, she looked back to see the man mount his horse and ride away. With a ragged sigh, she brushed tears from her cheeks. She’d little doubt she just came face to face with the nefarious Everett Camborne.

The story is about coping, survival, passion and heartbreak.
Then victory under dire circumstances. A rousing adventure.

"...wonderfully researched and the reader is taken right into the drawing rooms, kitchens and taverns of the dark days of late eighteenth century England."
- Historical Novels Reviews blog

Diane lives in Western Pennsylvania with one naughty dachshund.

Friday, February 21, 2025

Further Adventures in Historic Canada by Diane Scott Lewis


After a long hiatus due to personal and health problems, I am excited by the new Canadian Historical Mystery series. I 'm posting a post about my Canadian historical On a Stormy Primeval Shore, the establishment of New Brunswick, mixed with danger and romance. Part of the Canadian Historical Brides series. 

I hope you enjoy this foray into the eighteenth century right after America's revolution chased the loyalists to Canada.

To purchase this novel, click HERE

Amelia: an 18th century Englishwoman in the wilderness of New Brunswick.

In writing my Canadian-based novel, On a Stormy Primeval Shore, I wanted not only a strong heroine, but not the usual ‘beautiful’ woman who strikes every man to his core with her ravishing looks. I wanted a woman not considered beautiful by traditional standards, but one who must struggle and fight her way to be taken seriously, and forge her own happiness.

Amelia Latimer arrives in New Brunswick in 1784, just as this western portion of the colony is breaking away from Nova Scotia. Her father is a captain in the British army stationed at Fort Howe. He’s requested her long journey from Plymouth, England, to betroth her to one of his officers, Lt. Harris.
                                    Fort Howe Blockhouse

Amelia, because she isn’t beautiful, at four and twenty years had few marriage prospects in England; but she still hated to leave her mother who is ill with consumption. She's also intelligent, spirited, and determined to find happiness and a purpose. Her first meeting with Harris doesn’t go well and deeply insulted, she plans to return to England.

But soon New Brunswick, with its startling beauty, rugged shoreline and pastoral interior, charms her.

Captain Latimer wants her to return home on the next ship since she’s refused his choice of a husband, but after hearing of her mother’s death, Amelia has ideas of her own.

The remote colony is a mixture of many cultures. The aboriginals, mainly the Mi’kmaq and Maliseet tribes, who settled the land first. The French Acadians, in what was once New France, who were expelled—even slaughtered—when the English took over, then slowly allowed to return. And the Loyalists who fled north after the American Revolution, and now flood the country in need of land, food and occupation.

                          Saint John harbor from Fort Howe's hill.

Amelia wants to cultivate herbs for medicinal purposes, but can she survive the harsh Canadian winter, and will a most unsuitable man steal her heart?

Gilbert is an Acadian trader, one of the original French settlers. He is fighting to keep his and his mother's land. Land the incoming Loyalists want to appropriate. Then he saves a young woman from a marauding bear. Her bold spirit sparks his interest, but she is off-limits being the daughter of an English soldier. Does he dare meet her in private as his feelings grow?

Diane lives in western Pennsylvania with one naughty dachshund.

Monday, February 21, 2022

My dear friend Kathy, a celebration of life and crazyness, by Diane Scott Lewis


“A rich plot with building suspense, the writing is perfect and flows well. I loved this story.”   ~History and Women~

To purchase Ghost Point: Ghost Point

To purchase my novels and other BWL booksBWL

On January 3rd I lost a dear friend to cancer. She flew into the realm of the gods and goddesses, the fairy world we often spoke about. She liked to envision chants around bonfires and other mystical rituals.

We met in an on-line critique group, nine years ago. When my mother passed, Kathy was there for me, understanding the difficult relationships we both had with our respective families. We spoke almost every day over the internet after that. Her loss, her advance to a higher plain, is a big hole in my heart.

We almost met in person, while three hours apart when I attended the Historical Novel Society conference in Portland, OR, six years ago. She was to drive down from Seattle to meet. But that was when she'd found out her cancer had returned after fifteen years in remission. She cancelled to set up doctors appointments.

But I want to celebrate our dark humor, talk of witches, and fairies, the pagan souls we both shared.

Kathy was a dedicated Pagan, in her thoughts, not her actions. Our bon fires were metaphorical, as well as our flying away on brooms to cure the world of its ills. We had the 'what's the matter you-snap out of it!' attitude, and laughed at the craziness of life, the perilous political scene, and the irony of so many things. Her father had soured her on religion, so this was her 'feel good' place.

We had a third witch in our imagined coven, but for privacy reasons, I won't name her. We Three had a ball whirling through the flames of the pretend bon fires, stirring our cauldron. Imagining we had some control over the insanity of the world.

I'd send her funny jpegs to cheer her, though Kathy rarely complained about her own health. She was the strongest woman I knew.

When the doctors had to put a new port into her for her chemo, I sent her the above jpeg and she loved it. When things got iffy in the world around us, we'd say 'gird your loins' because that phrase is often found in historical novels and people scratch their heads about it.

Her last completed novel was a fictionalized tale of when, after a divorce, she took her two boys to England to research another novel. Her bravery to do that amazed me. (also available at  )

It's difficult not to mourn such losses, but I need to celebrate what we had, short though it seems now. I'm girding my loins! I'd like to think that she's flying about the stratosphere on a magic cloud, laughing at us mere mortals. We never did get to meet in person, and only spoke once on the phone (she sounded so young). But maybe that's how we kept the mystical part of our friendship intact. I was blessed to have her as my friend. We made each other laugh right to the very end.

A funny, brave woman with wit and talent, the gods must have needed her wry and steady advice. She told me she wasn't afraid of dying, she said 'energy' never dies, but she often wished she could stay longer. 

Fair winds, my dear sister of the heart! And strength to your loving husband who also had to say goodbye.

Kathy's expertise was the seventeenth century; check out her other wonderful historical novels.

Katherine Pym Novels

Diane lives in Western Pennsylvania with her husband and one naughty dachshund.

She's trying to set up a new website on Blogger: wish her/me luck!

Friday, January 21, 2022

Party like the Eighteenth Century! In January, by Diane Scott Lewis


Rose aspires to be a doctor, impossible in the 18th century, but uncovers evil village secrets in Cornwall-- and love in the most inappropriate place.

Check out all my historical novels: BWLDSL

But let's explore the lighter side of the eighteenth century, especially the celebrations of Twelfth Night, as Christmas cheer continued into January. 

Twelfth Night, usually January 5th or 6th, was celebrated as the end of the Christmas Season since the Middle Ages. It marked the Feast of Epiphany, when the Three Wise Men visited the baby Jesus in Bethlehem. It also evolved from Pagan fertility rights, celebrating the end of winter and the soon to arrive spring.

In the 18th c., it was the perfect excuse to throw lavish parties. Great spreads of food, especially enticing desserts, were the centerpiece. Over-indulging in food and drink, people partied hard, before returning to the drab winter of their lives.


The Twelfth Night cake was the highlight served to guests. Martha Washington's (wife of the famous George) recipe included 40 eggs, four pounds of sugar, and five pounds of dried fruit. A bean or coin, sometimes a metal Baby Jesus, was baked into the cake, (people were warned to chew carefully) and whomever received that piece became the King. This king caused mischief as he presided over the festivities.

The ale-based drink with spices and honey, called Wassail, was put in huge bowls and passed around the revelers. The name is derived from the Old English term "Waes hael", meaning "be well."

People donned costumes and danced and performed plays in the village streets. Some dragged plows house to house, seeking treats and alcohol. While the Upper Crust held elaborate balls.

Mervyn Clitheroe's Twelfth Night party,
by "Phiz"

Live birds were hidden in empty pie casings, so when opened, scared the recipient. Traditional foods were anything spicy or hot, such as ginger snaps. Or anything with apples; apple tarts, apple-walnut cakes. And lots of Port and Sherry to drink.

The common folk partied, drank to excess, releasing the frustration of their hard-working lives. One Pennsylvania upper-class man of the time said of the commoner, "were a set of the lowest blackguards, who, disguised in filthy clothes and ofttimes with masked faces, went from house to house in large companies, ...obtruding themselves everywhere, particularly into the rooms occupied by parties of ladies and gentlemen, (and) would demean themselves with great insolence."

This holiday as a time to party is largely ignored today.

To find out more about me and my books, please visit my website: DianeScottLewis

Diane lives in Western Pennsylvania with her husband and one naughty dachshund.

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Will my book club like the insolence of Lady Pencavel? by Diane Scott Lewis


To purchase The Defiant Lady Pencavel: CLICKHERE
Check out all my historical novels: BWLDSL

I had nothing to post with a Christmas theme, but how about a sharp-tongued miss who refuses to conform to the restrictions of the 18th century? Purely a parody and farce, of course. I take all the "romance" tropes and turn them on their heads. "heaving bosoms" and more.

But will my book club like this story or be insulted that I dare make fun of historical romance, as many on-line reviewers were?  
My book club met at Zach's to eat and discuss Lady Pencavel
I'm in the back on the right.

One older lady loved it and found it very romantic. She didn't see the 'parody' aspect. Another older lady agreed with her. One said she thought the maid, Clowenna, a little stereotypical. (I loved that character!)
"Funny, teasing and tearing down all the tropes of romance," another said.

"It's accessible to a new reader, plus an experienced reader will understand the layers of poking fun, the satire," our librarian said.

They wanted to know where I found all the unusual Cornish surnames. I had the perfect link for Cornish names and their meanings, but can no longer find it. But other sites are out there.

The consensus was, they loved it, and the majority understood the farce, and didn't think that I'd insulted the romance genre.

My thoughts, romantic stories should be plausible, and not instant love, I must have you forever; though I've heard that happens.

If you want a laugh, and a few winks at propriety, give The Defiant Lady Pencavel a try.

To find out more about me and my books, please visit my website: DianeScottLewis

Diane lives in Western Pennsylvania with her husband and one naughty dachshund.

Sunday, November 21, 2021

Dare I write about a troubling incident in recent memory, by Diane Scott Lewis


To purchase Ghost Point: Ghost Point

To purchase my novels and other BWL booksBWL

When I worked at the Dahlgren Naval Base, Virginia, in the 90s, a woman told me tales from the little beach town where she lived about a half hour away. Colonial Beach, Virginia, had been a huge tourist destination in the early twentieth century, when boatloads of steamships came down from Washington, D.C. to visit the beach every summer. 

Amusement Pier Colonial Beach 1912

But in the late nineteenth century it was the scene of murder of boat crews; I blogged about this previously.

Fishing Pier Colonial Beach

My friend told me the true story of the Potomac Oyster Wars, which took place in the 1950s. Her boyfriend lost a brother in that fraught time, and he hesitated to speak of it. But I was able to talk to him and he showed me photos of the friends he had who were involved. Many who lost loved ones were still skitterish about this history.

But my friend insisted I had to write the story. 

Since colonial times, Maryland owned the Potomac and policed the waters where Virginia fisherman plied their trade. Since the end of WWII, times were lean, and the Oystermen snuck out at night to rake "dredge" up oysters. This process destroyed the beds but brought in a larger catch. Tonging for oysters was the approved manner.

Well known people in the town got involved, and a prominent man was killed by the dreaded Maryland Oyster Police. His relatives still reside in the community. Would I step on their toes?

Me with my friend in Colonial Beach

I published my novel, Ghost Point, on this era and tentatively put the info on a FB page called "Memories of Colonial Beach." I thought people would be upset about me, a non native, writing about their history. Instead, they were thrilled, and one woman said she knew the niece of the man who was murdered. They were happy to purchase my novel and speak of those events.

A very generous community. My main characters are fictional, but I used several actual residents of the town.

I plan to do a book signing next year at the Colonial Beach Museum. It seems the younger generation is anxious to learn about this era.

Colonial Beach Museum,
drawn by Christine Valenti

Sunset on Monroe Bay, Colonial Beach

To find out more about me and my books, please visit my website: DianeScottLewis

Diane lives in Western Pennsylvania with her husband and one naughty dachshund.

Thursday, October 21, 2021

The Ghosts that Haunt New Brunswick by Diane Scott Lewis


Amelia is sent to a strange land in the eighteenth century to marry a soldier she's never met. But will the handsome Acadian, Gilbert, capture her heart? Part of the wonderful series of Canadian Historical Brides. The founding of a new colony by the Loyalists who fled the American Revolution.

To purchase On a Stormy Primeval ShoreCLICK HERE

As we near Halloween, I wanted to delve into the myths and ghosts of New Brunswick, Canada, where this novel is set.

In years of tales or myth, people have reported scented lilac ladies that float through rooms; keys that shift location; headless women; howling hounds; ghostly ships.

The Dungarvon Whooper is one of the most famous ghosts of New Brunswick. At Whooper Spring off the Dungarvon River (near Quarryville; once known as Indian town), there's an old logging campsite. The story goes that in the nineteenth century a young cook was murdered there by his lumber camp boss. His revengeful ghost terrifies local hunters, and especially lumbermen, with spine-tingling whoops.

Supposedly, the cook's grave has ever-blooming flowers. If anyone disturbs the grave, the ghost rushes out and screams. 

Another ghost story is told by an Acadian (the original French settlers) merchant. 

About forty years ago, in Northeastern N. B., a young man told a merchant that he was going fishing for months. He asked the merchant to supply his aged parents with groceries and when he returned he'd pay for them. Except, when the young man returned, he bought a car instead of paying the debt. When the merchant discovered this, he shouted: "He can go to hell!"

A week later, the young man went fishing again, got tangled in rough water, fell from his boat and drowned. Not long after, the merchant was cutting hay in his field. A big wind blew up, and in the middle of it rose the drowned man, his hair  blowing wild, wearing the same clothes he'd bought from the merchant's store. The merchant was so frightened, he burned the bills owed to him.

The drowned man's father came to him the next day and said he was walking his dog, and it howled and howled as if something was there. The unnerved father insisted on paying the debt. The village priest said to the father that his son was in Purgatory, and needed the debt paid so he could 'move on' to heaven.

In 1876, Rebecca Lutes of Moncton was only 16 when townsfolk believed she had supernatural powers. A judge condemned her as a witch and she was hanged from a tree branch, buried upside down, and concrete poured over the grave to keep her from crawling out. Today strange happenings are reported, floating lights, mysterious fires, and a creepy black cat, around her grave. 

I want to thank Alison Hughes for her wonderful site Eastern Gothic, ghost stories, for the first two stories:

For more on me and my books, please visit my website: DianeScottLewis   

Diane lives in Western Pennsylvania with her husband and one naughty dachshund.

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Luke and Lena, a marriage on the brink of disaster by Diane Scott Lewis

In 1956, Luke dredges illegally on the river, while his restless wife considers a risky affair. A marriage in turmoil.

To purchase Ghost Point: Ghost Point

To purchase my novels and other BWL booksBWL


Yelena, 'Lena,' married for passion right out of high school. But her husband doesn't aspire to something better; his job as an oysterman keeps them in poverty. She loves their little boy, but her life is dull, and restrictive due to lack of money. She craves excitement.

The once thriving resort town of Colonial Beach is falling into decay, destroyed by the Great Depression, then World War II. Yelena longs to leave it behind and visit exotic places.
Her husband's illegal activities on the river pushes her further away.

A stranger with a silky accent catches her attention, or rather, she catches his. Is this the excitement she sought, or a danger to both her and her husband?

Luke is ashamed he can't earn more for his family. Oystering is all he knows, and his gruff father encourages him to dredge for oysters in the night. Dredging is illegal, due to the destruction of the oyster beds, but the increased haul brings in additional money. Luke wants to please his wife, but her unhappiness, his guilt, drives them apart. 
And now the Maryland Oyster police, who have authority over the Potomac River, are shooting at Virginia dredgers; men are being killed. Luke is caught up in Virginia pride and tradition. Will it be the death of him?
What of the other sinister murders happening out on the river?

"A tale fraught with intrigue, hardship, murder, and a marriage in turmoil.  The author paints a vivid picture of life on an oyster boat and a fishing village on Virginia's Potomac shore."
*History and Women*

Excerpt“Tell me what’s wrong, Luke.” Yelena said it tenderly, moving up close to him. These actions had always worked before. “I know something is bothering you. You shouldn’t hide things from me.”

His eyes searched hers, his sigh deep. “They fired on us. Ern caught it this time. Damn!” He hugged her against him, his shirt dampening her breasts.

“What? Are you serious?” Her stomach clenched. Her worst fears. “I can’t believe—”

“Shhh, don’t scare the boy. Let’s not talk about this now.” Luke tried to kiss her, but she pulled back.

She glared at him. “Was Ernie hurt badly?”

“Mostly a flesh wound. We ran him over to Doc Baker’s.”

“I want you to stop this. Please.” She clung to his shoulders, almost pinching them. “I’d like to work, to help out. You go back to tonging. You did it before this mess with Maryland started again. Why did you decide to take up these illegal activities?”

"Enough, Lena. You got our boy to care for. You don't need a job." His order was a low grumble. "Leave this business to me."

But she couldn't. Was it her anxiety for him, or her determination to rescue her family, that left her feeling so dissatisfied?

To find out more about me and my books, please visit my website: DianeScottLewis

Diane lives in Western Pennsylvania with her husband and one naughty dachshund.

Saturday, August 21, 2021

Real Events! Ghost Point - murder on the Potomac, a tale of the Oyster Wars by Diane Scott Lewis


NEW RELEASE, based on true events. A Marriage in turmoil-their lives in danger. A story from 1956 that took place in Colonial Beach, Virginia. The notorious Oyster Wars where Maryland and Virginia fought over the Potomac River and shot to kill.

To purchase Ghost Point, paperback or Kindle: Ghost Point

To purchase my novels and other BWL booksBWL

"A tale fraught with intrigue, hardship, murder, and a marriage in turmoil.  The author paints a vivid picture of life on an oyster boat and a fishing village on Virginia's Potomac shore."

*History and Women*

My friend, who lives in Colonial Beach, Virginia, told me about these events. Her boyfriend was a waterman during the 50s, his brother killed during this time, and he gave me vital details.

The 1785 Compact gave control of the Potomac to Maryland but Virginia had fishing rights to use the river. The beach town of Colonial Beach was once a thriving tourist destination for people in Washington D.C. But the Great Depression and WWII finished it off and the town fell into decay.

By the 1950s, watermen struggling to survive, illegally dredged with basket-like scrapers for the ever-popular oyster. The dredgers destroyed the beds, but the amount gathered paid off well. Maryland Marine Police patrolled the Potomac, searching the misty nights for dredging boats. They mounted machine guns on their boats and fired on the Virginians. 

Men were murdered over oyster rights. My story uses fictional characters along with historic ones to convey the dangerous occupation. Plus a love triangle that could destroy a marriage. It's a wild ride through history.

Novel Blurb:

Luke becomes tangled in the fight over the Potomac River rights in 1956 Virginia. He and his wife clash over his illegal dredging of oyster beds. His life is under threat from Maryland’s notorious Oyster Police.
Yelena, the once pretty, popular girl, struggles to rise above her dull existence. She defies Luke and takes a job in a used bookstore. A mysterious older man is interested in her, or is he simply after her husband for his unlawful activities? She's tempted to plunge into intrigue and more. 

Can Luke and Yelena rekindle their love or will both become victims of the sinister acts on the river?

To find out more about me and my books, please visit my website: DianeScottLewis

Diane lives in Western Pennsylvania with her husband and one naughty dachshund.

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

What I learned writing my first novel, the ignorance of a beginner by Diane Scott Lewis

 Escape the Revolution: "Simply brilliant" Historical Novel Society.
To purchase my novels and other BWL booksBWL

Never write a rambling saga with too many characters that's bursting at the seams at nearly 200,000 words!

I started writing as soon as I could put words on a page; I loved to tell stories. I even had a short story submitted to a literary festival from my high school.

Then I joined the navy, traveled to Greece, met a man and married. And we're still married.

Two children came quickly. I didn't start writing again for twenty years.
Then I decided it was time to dip in the pen, again. Or rather, sneak in writing on my work computer.
The Rude Awakening: I thought I knew everything about writing, but found I knew nothing.

Escape the Revolution, which went through many names and covers, was my first effort.
I rambled on in my story, chapters too long, describing everything, cramming in my stellar research, and the book grew huge. 170,000 words. Who knew there were page and word limits.

Or POV (point of view) restrictions. Everyone had a POV, even a dog or a horse. Thoughts hopping all over the place. Actually, I wasn't that bad in this regard. I've read other authors who made these mistakes.
Where would my story go? I only had a small notion but didn't want it to end, so on I wrote.

Then I bought books on writing and editing. Another shock. There needed to be plot, and structure; your character couldn't just wander on forever to the next adventure. They must have a goal, a conflict, to drive them on. Each person should have a solid POV, perhaps one per scene; but too many characters with 'thoughts' can get confusing.
'Would', 'could', and 'should', must be used sparingly. Gerunds also should not be overused, all those words ending in 'ing'. So many things to avoid. Don't even ask about the much-maligned 'was'.
No double exclamations, heck, hardly any exclamations allowed.

Each scene must be its own structure with a beginning, middle, and end.
Passive vs. Active voice. 
Plus, get that research correct if you write historicals. You don't want any Tiffanys wearing bloomers in the18th century.

Develop your characters, even the minor ones; what is their background, their goals? Even the villains need 'reasons' why they act they way they do. 
Action, Reaction, Decision.

Exhausting. First, I stripped out too much from the story, then realized I needed to put much of it back in, just in a cleaner, tighter way. I had to cut the book into two books because of the length. 

The sequel: Hostage to the Revolution, was published to finish the story.

I'm glad I learned so much from books, workshops, and other authors. The knowledge has been worth it. I've been with my on-line critique group for sixteen years.

To find out more about me and my books, please visit my website: DianeScottLewis

Diane lives in Western Pennsylvania with her husband and one naughty dachshund.

Monday, June 21, 2021

Writing from the Wrong Side, a Heroine who fights for the British by Diane Scott Lewis

To purchase my novels and other BWL booksBWL

Tarred and feathered, tortured, hangings? That was often the fate of the Loyalists in America.

As an American, I should be fully behind the Patriots in the fight for freedom during the American Revolution. But writing about the establishment of New Brunswick in the Canadian Historical Brides series, I read numerous research on the Loyalists who fled the U.S. after being persecuted for backing King George III. Many settled in New Brunswick, forming a new colony.

That's stirred my interest in the Loyalists and their plight while still in the States.

I thought people would be offended by my telling this side of the story. To my surprise, they weren't. Even my Book Club loved the book. Especially the enigmatic Welshman, who takes Rowena on as a spy. Sexy guy!

Loyalists believed the country could never survive on its own, without the Mother Country. They thought the Patriots a ragtag group of trouble makers. In turn, the Patriots, anxious to be free of the tether of British laws, and taxes, considered the Loyalists traitors. Spies infiltrated both sides to see who was loyal to who. Plus, to gain troop movements to pass on to various commanders.

Also called Tories, the Loyalists consisted of one third of the thirteen original colonies. Their numbers were spread out in the colonies and came from differing classes, farmer to merchant. The Patriots ordered them to join the war to fight the British, or their properties would be subject to confiscation or burning. If Loyalists were captured in battle they were treated as traitors and often killed.

1774 British print of a Boston commissioner
being tarred and feathered.

My heroine's father is tarred and feathered in the novel's first scene. A true, particularly violent act occurred in 1775, in Georgia. Loyalist Thomas Brown was confronted on his property by the Sons of Liberty. Brown was beaten with a rifle, which fractured his skull. Strapped to a tree, stripped naked, hot pitch was poured over him, then he was set alight. Two of his toes were charred to stubs. Then the Patriots rolled him in feathers and scalped him.

Many fled north to Canada, especially after the war. Others were tortured or hanged. Out of desperation, some joined the Patriot side so they could remain in their homes.

                                        Loyalists refugees traveling to Canada by Howard Pyle

My heroine, Rowena, is a staunch Loyalist, along with her family. But as the war wears on, she wonders if she is on the right side. Do the Patriots have good reason to want independence?

"Rowena is a star. Bless Derec Pritchard who loves Rowena for who she is. Their chemistry is fabulous. Readers will love to read this alternative view of American history." InD'tale Magazine  

Find out more about me and my writing on my website: Dianescottlewis

Diane Parkinson (Diane Scott Lewis) is a member of the Historical Novel Society and the Napoleonic Historical Society. She’s had several historical novels published. Her most recent is the Revolutionary War novel, Her Vanquished Land. 

Her upcoming novel Ghost Point, the 1950s Potomac oyster wars, love and betrayal, will be released in September.

Diane lives with her husband and one naughty dachshund in Western Pennsylvania.

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