Thursday, February 6, 2020


Characters cannot float in space. They need a world to walk in, to talk in, and to live their lives joyously

I start with the characters:
  • I ask them what type of community they live in.

  • I find places with those ingredients and use the pieces.

  • I add family, friends, and enemies.

  • I provide jobs on the main street; homes on side streets.

  • I surround the place with roads, beaches, parks, or businesses.

  • I daw a map of the village or town.

For Caleb's Cove, I looked to Nova Scotia's south shore islands, ocean-side markets, and beaches. I sprinkled in hurricanes, boats, history, and ghosts. (The Caleb Cove Mysteries - 4 books)

Writers can be inspired by characters or an event, but as the story evolves the characters need a place to live. The setting is a character in its own right and often dictates the direction in the story. Some writers set books in real places. In a large city, this works. However, using a smaller, limited population creates privacy issues and limits events. The solution is to create a fictional community to showcase the story.

Inspiration # 1 - Tancook Island, Nova Scotia, Canada

Three real locations provided inspiration, visuals, and ambiance for Caleb's Cove. (Book 2 Came Home to a Killing )

However, all people and story events are products of my writer's imagination and other than the awesome ocean setting, bear no connection to any real person in the three background communities.

Tancook Island started it all. I've had a fascination with Tancook for decades. My sister-in-law's mother worked on Little Tancook and I loved her stories and the name. At eight I thought it a great setting for a mystery and wrote (longhand in a Hilary Scribbler) The Mystery on Tancook Island.
Accidentally, or at the bidding of  my unconscious, my first published novel was set on an island off Nova Scotia. Additional details and ideas for Caleb's Cove came from Tancook and two other Nova Scotia locations. And now there are four books in total in the series.

“Sweeping his gaze from left to right Greg checked the altered sandy strip, the docks and the rocky protrusions. The waves still arched and crested against the land, splashing through gaps in the boardwalk and sucking back to display the damage. In the harbor beyond, white caps revealed the sea’s continued turmoil. The rhythmic roar and whoosh were primal. He’d wait for calmer seas before launching the dory even if she was designed for rough waters. And you? What are you waiting for?”
Book 3 - Came Home Too Late 

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

February The Shortest Month of the Year by Rosemary Morris

For more information on Rosemary's books please click the cover above.

February the Shortest Month of the Year

“February brings the snow.
“Makes our feet and fingers glow.”

3rd and 4th lines of a nursery rhyme. Anonymous.

Hertfordshire. S. East England. 2019
Extracts from My Garden Diary
6th February. First thing in the morning a baby blue sky and sunshine followed by banks of cloud rimmed with gold. Later the sky darkened, and baby snowflakes fluttered to the ground. I wish I was as tolerant in every condition of my life as the trees and plants.
8th February. Patchy snow on the raised beds. Light frost changing the hue of the grass from bright green to silvery green. My nose glowed red when I ventured outside.
* * *
The origin of February’s name is either from the ancient Italian God, Februus or februa purification festivals observed in Rome.
Aquarius is the sign of the zodiac for those born between the 1st and 18th. People born between the 19th and 28th/29th are influenced by Pisces. Violets, primroses, and irises are the month’s birth flowers. The birthstone is amethyst, symbol of piety, humility, sincerity and spirituality.
The Roman Catholic church dedicates February to the Holy Family, Jesus, Mary and Joseph.
2nd February.
This the day on which it is thought Mary and Joseph took Jesus up to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord in the temple.
Shrove Tuesday. Pancake Day
Shrove Tuesday is on the first Tuesday before Lent. During the two previous days, known as shrove tide, Christians confess/ed their sins. On this day pancakes are made with eggs, which symbolise creation, flour, the staff of life, salt considered wholesome and milk for purity. This day was one of revelry and pancakes are still served in many homes.
Ash Wednesday the Beginning of Lent
Ash Wednesday lasts for forty days which represent the days Jesus spent in the wilderness. At church the priest or minister might mark Christian’s foreheads with the sign of the Cross, with ashes from palms burnt in the previous year after Palm Sunday. This is a sign of mourning and repentance. It also represents the cross Jesus sacrificed his life on. As a child during Lent I was encouraged to renounce sweets, which made chocolate Easter eggs very welcome.
14th February - St Valentine’s Day
There are several saints called Valentine but the martyrdom of two falls on this day. In times past it was believed birds mate on this day and sweethearts were chosen. The custom of sending anonymous cards developed from that belief.

Classic Historical Fiction by Rosemary Morris

Early 18th Century novels: Tangled Love, Far Beyond Rubies, The Captain and The Countess

Regency Novels. False Pretences. Heroines Born on Different Days of the Week Books One to Six, Sunday’s Child, Monday’s Child, Tuesday’s Child, Wednesday’s Child, Thursday’s Child, and Friday’s Child. (The novels in the series are not dependent on each other, although events in previous novels are sometimes referred to and characters reappear.) Saturday’s Child will be published in July 2020.

Mediaeval Novel Yvonne Lady of Cassio. The Lovages of Cassio Book


Tuesday, February 4, 2020

The Destruction of Port Royal by Katherine Pym


Port Royal, Jamaica 1690

First, a little history of the town…
Port Royal (changed in 1660 from Point Cagway) was a village in Jamaica, taken by the English in 1655.  The town had a natural deep harbor perfect for ships, but there was little to defend it. Houses dotted the landscape up the hills and down to the water, some with stilts in the sand, their houses standing in the tidal swells.

A couple forts were built, but that was not enough to keep the Spanish at bay, so the inhabitants contacted the Brethren of the Coast, a pirate union of sorts, and invited them to settle there. Port Royal boomed. Soon 6,500 souls resided there. Ships in the harbor and a lively town with men known for their swashbuckling, rough ways were a deterrent for anyone thinking to come ashore and cause havoc.

Port Royal After quake
Before long Port Royal became a haven for pirates with brothels and lawlessness. Merchants bought and sold what the pirates dragged ashore, but this wild life had its comeuppance, with a final, deadly end.  

June 7, 1692 life in Port Royal changed forever. Just before noon a magnitude 7.5 earthquake hit Jamaica, its epicenter in the hills above the town. The ground suffered liquidation, sinking buildings, animals, trees and streets. Geysers erupted. When the town collapsed, a large tsunami crashed onto the island, taking a ship with it. 40 feet high on the wall of water the ship throttled inland to rest on a ruined building. Unearthed corpses floated amongst the debris. Landslides prevailed. Except for the ship perched on an old building, what remained of Port Royal sank into the sea. 

Over 5000 died. Looting and violence took over. Of those who survived the initial destruction, many later succumbed to their injuries or illness.

Port Royal Before the quake

Port Royal After the quake

As a species, people are enduring. They usually rebuild after a catastrophe, and many tried to rebuild Port Royal, but one disaster after another struck, hurricanes, fire, more earthquakes. What remains today is insignificant compared to the late 17th century.

Today, you can swim over the sunken city, and see rooftops not far below. In the past years, archaeological digs have explored the remains. Interesting finds have surfaced. “In 1969, Edwin Link discovered the most famous artifact: a pocket watch dated 1686, stopped at exactly 11:43 (a.m.).

Many thanks to:
Wikicommons public domain.

‘Port Royal, Jamaica, Sunken Pirate City at Port Royal, Nature took her revenge on the "Wickedest City in the World."’

History Channel:
“Earthquake destroys Jamaican pirate haven”

‘The History of Port Royal, Jamaica”

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