Monday, July 18, 2022

Kayla's Cowboy, another Longview Romance by Nancy M Bell


To find out more about Nancy's books click on the cover above.

For any of you familiar with my Longview Romance series, you'll recall that Rob Chetwynd and Michelle Wilson were engaged. Or at least that's the impression Michelle had, not to mention all of Longview. So it was a shock when Rob came back from the National Finals Rodeo in Las Vegas married to someone else.  And that someone else was a dressage rider, not someone familiar with rodeo. Kayla Dunbarton had no idea of the hornet's nest she was going to encounter when she accompanied her new husband home to Longview, Alberta. 
Kayla's Cowboy tells the tale of how this wedding came to be and the events leading up to the nuptials. Not to mention the fall out afterwards.

Here's a short excerpt to tempt you. Kayla's first meeting with Rob which doesn't go so well:

She’d just finished taking the bridle apart and was dropping the bridoon bit and the curb into a pail of warm water when the curtained stall door opened a bit.

“Anybody here?” A male voice asked.

“Get out of there, Chetwynd,” another voice cautioned.

What the hell? Kayla pulled the door all the way open and fisted her hands on her hips. “What do you want?” she demanded. “Who the hell are you?”

“Aw, c’mon now, pretty lady. I was just wantin’ to say hello and admire your horse.” The tall cowboy pushed his hat back on his head and grinned down at her. His gaze swept her up and down, lingering on the swell of her breast below the gapping neck of her old sweatshirt.

“I asked what your name was,” she repeated. “And I don’t appreciate you just inviting yourself into my tack room. There was something interesting about the man, his jeans snugged against his lean hips, broad shoulders filling out his western shirt. There was some kind of advertising emblazoned all over the red shirt but she couldn’t make it all out. The cowboy just continued to grin at her in appreciation.

“I’m sorry, m’am. I’m Cody, Cody Butters and I apologize for my partner here, he’s a little short on manners.” The second man elbowed in front of his friend.

“Hell fire, man. She should know who I am,” the first man said belligerently.

Kayla’s temper flared and she glared over Cody’s shoulder at the cowboy. “I haven’t a clue who you are, and I could care less. Why don’t you go back under the rock you crawled out of?”

“He don’t mean no harm, m’am. He’s just a mite uncivilized, is all,” Cody intervened. This idiot, is Rob Chetwynd, the reigning Bull Riding Champion.”

“At your service,” Rob swept his hat off and made a deep bow.

Kayla sighed in exasperation. “What do you want? I have things to do.”

“Just wanted to say hello and say how much we enjoyed your riding,” Cody said with a meaningful glance at his friend.

“Actually, I wanted to see if your little behind was as cute out of the arena as in it,” Rob said, lifting one eyebrow.

“That’s enough.” Kayla grabbed a stable broom from the corner of the stall and smacked him with it. “Get out! Get out now, before I call security.”

“Now, now, there ain’t no call to do that.” Cody grabbed his friend by the back of his belt and started to drag him out of the stall.

“What’s going on here?” Anna demanded, coming to a halt with Wellington in tow.

“These two yahoos invited themselves into our tack room and made themselves very unwelcome,” Kayla told her, still brandishing the broom.

Cody turned and let go of Rob’s belt as Anna came up. “Man, that’s a nice piece of horse flesh,” he said, eyes running over the 17.3 hand gelding in appreciation.

“Yes, he is, and I’d thank you to not touch him and take your…companion…and leave.” Kayla glared at the two men. “Now.”

“Sorry, yeah. I gotta apologize for my friend here. He’s maybe had a bit too much celebratin’, if you catch my drift,” Cody said.

“That’s not excuse for being an ass,” Kayla shot back.

“Yes, m’am.” Cody ran his eyes over Wellington again, stopping when Anna stepped out from behind the big horse into his line of vision. Interest flashed across his face before he dragged Rob away.

“What was all that about?” Anna asked, her gaze on the red headed cowboy. “What did he say his name was?”

“Which one?” Kayla stripped the cooler off Wellington and picked up a brush from the tack box just inside the tack room door.

“The red headed one, not the other one,” Anna said folding the cooler up.

“I don’t know…Cam, Cale, Cody…maybe…why?” She glanced up from her work. “You can’t seriously be interested, can you?”

“Maybe,” Anna dragged the word out. “He seemed nice, I mean, nicer than his friend. And he sure filled out those jeans…” She winked at Kayla.

“Oh, you,” Kayla snorted. “You’d date the devil himself if he had a nice ass.”

Anna grinned. “Probably,” she agreed, chuckling.   

Sunday, July 17, 2022

Free Books and other thoughts by Janet Lane Walters #BWLAuthor #MFRWAuthor #Mysteries #romances #fantasy

Another year has passed and it's been an interesting one. Today I've reached my 86th year of life. Seems a long time ago and yet a short time but I'm doing what I live to do, making up stories. Writing fiction gives one the chance to explore the lives of others. Sure they are stories but as they are written, the characters become real and turn into friends.

Katherine Miller has become a great friend and there are elements of myself in the chracter, and I believe of the characters of my other books. Originally published in 1998, she's still going strong.

The characters in this book are fully imaginatary, sort of. I was a nurse and so I am able to capture the hospital and it;s querks. I also am a student of Astrology so this book has elements of that interest in the pages.

The Affinities series was written for my grandchildren and they're in the pages of this series only because my first four hit every one of the four elements of astrology, fire, earth, water and air. I enjoyed writing these books and the adventures the children have.

Another completely imagination created characters and stories. I believe this came because i enjoy the Food Channel and watching the chefs create dishes. Especially since I'm an ordinary cook.

I'm getting ready to let my publisher know to put another book, the first in a long series up for free. Hopefully this will trigger another set of stories and bring them into view. There are several more long series. Right now I'm working on book five of the Moon Rising series and next project will be book 7 of the Moon Child series.

So these are my free books at present. when there's another, I'll let you know. i do wish all the tohers would collect the number of ratings as Murder and Mint Tea. As to date 476.

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Saturday, July 16, 2022

People of the Three Fires, by J.C. Kavanagh


The Twisted Climb-Darkness Descends 

Book 2 of the award-winning Twisted Climb series

In Book 3 of my Twisted Climb series, to be published later this year, the main characters (Jayden, Connor and Max) are once again called to 'cross over' to the dreaded dream world - a terrifying place where the sun never rises and the moon never falls. But this time, they are dropped into a deeper, darker place: the Un-World. It is here that the characters take on a new villain and it is here they discover the history of the other-worldly forces.

When I began writing this final book of the series, my initial theme was loosely based on a combination of Roman and Greek mythology, combined with a smattering of Mayan influences. However, my research kept circling back to the great Native Indian tribes of Canada, particularly those in the Great Lakes area. I came to realize that my type of storytelling is better aligned with the beliefs and traditions of the original peoples in my home country, Canada.

If you read my May blog, you would have learned about Manitoulin Island (Odawa/Ojibwe name (Manidoowaaling) meaning "cave of the spirit.") This island is the largest fresh-water island in the world and is located near the top of Lake Huron. Thousands of years ago, this area of the Great Lakes was home to several Indian tribes, though it is believed that all originated from one band, the Anishinaabe. This tribe travelled from the shores of the 'Great Salt Water,' presumed to be the Atlantic Ocean, and migrated to three places: the shores of Manidoowaaling (Manitoulin Island); Baawitigong (Sault Ste. Marie), and Michilimackinac (in the area on and around Mackinac Island). After several centuries, during which time the separate villages developed their own customs and traditions, a new tribal alliance was forged: the People of the Three Fires

Sometimes referred to as the Council of Three Fires (Niswi-mishkodewinan), the Anishinaabe alliance consisted of Ojibwe (also called Chippewa), Odawa (also called Ottawa) and Potawatomi. When in council, the Ojibwe were referred to as 'Older Brother' and designated 'Keepers of the Faith;' the Odawa as 'Middle Brother' and designated 'Keepers of Trade,' and Potawatomi as 'Younger Brother' and designated 'Keepers/maintainers of/for the Fire.' 

Map of North America, pinpointing
Strait of Mackinac, the city of Sault Ste. Marie, and Manitoulin Island

As the fur trade progressed and various countries began carving out the Americas, the People of the Three Fires developed a relationship with the French (Wemitigoozhi), the English (Zhaaganaashi) and the Americans (Gichi-mookomaanag). 

For the Anishinaabe people, storytelling was sacred. It was their way of connecting young and old, of teaching messages and fairness. Most stories incorporated character growth that acknowledged human imperfection. In other words, storytelling elaborated on human error to prove that mistakes were an important part of character growth. Tribal elders were called "Knowledge Keepers" and were greatly respected for their wisdom, storytelling and awareness of tribal history.  

In addition to oral storytelling, a secretive, religious society of the Anishinaabe were tasked with
recording historical, medicinal and traditional rituals.
This male/female group was called the Midewiwin, 
which is often translated as 'medicine man.'
Above is a birchbark Midewiwin scroll, circa 1900, auctioned in 2009 for $1,500. 

The relationship between humans, animals and the environment was also considered sacred. The Anishinaabe traditions held that everything in the universe was connected and each had a place of importance and therefore respect. The Seven Grandfather Teachings was a traditional story, told for generation after generation about the sacred standards of life. These teachings centred around: Wisdom, Respect, Love, Honesty, Humility, Bravery and Truth. These teachings, in my opinion, need more reverence in our lives today.

Until next time, stay safe everyone!

J.C. Kavanagh, author of 
The Twisted Climb - Darkness Descends (Book 2) voted BEST Young Adult Book 2018, Critters Readers Poll and Best YA Book FINALIST at The Word Guild, Canada 
The Twisted Climb, 
voted BEST Young Adult Book 2016, P&E Readers Poll
Voted Best Local Author, Simcoe County, Ontario, 2021
Novels for teens, young adults and adults young at heart 
Twitter @JCKavanagh1 (Author J.C. Kavanagh)
Instagram @authorjckavanagh

Friday, July 15, 2022

Introducing Paul Doucette, a historical mystery author from Nova Scotia Canada



            Allow me to introduce myself to this community.

             My name is Paul Doucette. I was born in Halifax, Nova Scotia in February of 1948. It was a time when the city was still pretty much as it was during the war years of the 1940s, in other words, a rough and tumble port city.

            I left home in 1964 to enlist in the Army at age 16. After serving for just over a year, I was honorably discharged and returned home. It was then that I embarked on a career as a Merchant Seaman that spanned 12 years. This gave me my first experiences with the world and its many diverse cultures. When I retired from the sea, I joined a German company with offices throughout North America as a Freight Forwarder but soon advanced to become one of a specialized group of experts handling industrial logistics worldwide (simple put I was responsible for the logistics of moving such projects as nuclear reactors/oil refineries from one country to another).

            Over the course of these careers I have worked and lived in many countries including, China, Russia, the Caribbean, most of North America, Mexico and parts of Central America. During this time, I also managed to acquire three years of university at Saint Mary’s and Dalhousie Universities in Halifax as a mature student. I majored in Philosophy and Anthropology.

            In the early 1990s I returned home and that was when I met my future wife. Unfortunately, she passed in 1997 and shortly after that I took permanent retirement. It was at that time that I decided to explore and develop my artistic side which I had suppressed in deference to work.

Briefly stated, I pursued a new career as a photographer, specializing in large format black and white landscape and architectural images. During this time I acquired a certification from the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design in Photography. Unfortunately, about the time my work was beginning to be recognized my eyes began to present issues resulting in my no longer practising the craft.

            I continued on this path of discovery by diving into another artistic field that I long wanted to explore: Creative Writing. I have always been an avid reader of fantasy and mystery novels, so following the advice of an English Professor I had to write ‘what you know’ I opted for mystery fiction since I could develop stories set in familiar places where I travelled or lived and apply my knowledge of people, languages and histories. You see, it was my intent to write with an ear to dialects of ordinary peoples in their settings and to present those settings with a sense of both place and time.

            I believe I have succeeded in that goal with my Detective John Robichaud series, which is set in Halifax during WWII. I also have two other series written under the same method: Matt Murphy PI set in 1960s Greenwich Village (where I have visited many times) and Paul Jarvis set in the Pacific during WWII.

            I am the author of the Detective John Robichaud Mysteries. I currently live in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia.


Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Writing for Young Readers


Remember the books you loved as a teen?  How they stayed with you like friends all your life? What were they? A beloved series?  A great classic? 

The first book I ever finished in one day was a Nancy Drew Mystery...The Secret at Shadow Ranch. Wow, too many cliff-hanging chapters to put down, even though it had cost me a month of weekly shopping trips for my Aunt Cece in order to buy!

Only a couple of things bothered me about intrepid Nancy and her sleuthing... one: there were never any characters who looked like me featured prominently in the stories and two: Nancy never aged! I was expecting her to get older, but there she was still fresh-faced and sixteen many many adventures later.  Now, I would add three: that she got conked on the head too many times (poor Nancy...amazing that her brain still worked so well!).

Inspired by my love of books like the Nancy Drew series, I have now written my own ... the Linda Tassel Mysteries, featuring a bridge person like myself and inspired by a friend from my Georgia days, Linda is a member of the Snowbird Cherokee people on her mother's side.  She teams up with Buffalo New York transplant Tad Gist to solve mysteries. They meet as high school students. They grow older together as their friendship deepens and turns to love.

It's a great privilege to write for young people... I love thinking that I may be contributing toward decisions to become lifelong readers. 

I hope you'll enjoy my series. The first, Death at Little Mound, just received a first place in the Murder and Mayhem Mystery Awards! The second, Missing at Harmony Festival was published last month. 

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