Sunday, April 22, 2018

A Muse’s Thoughts

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A Muse’s Thoughts

 ”So how do you know you’re an author?” The question has been asked many times of writers.
“In my soul.” Is always my answer.
But no one has yet asked “When did you know you were an author?”
To answer the question that no one has yet asked of me, I would say “I guess in Grade Three”. The project that day was to write about a recent field trip. I won’t go into detail but my memories had everyone in stitches laughing; a couple of my classmates said later that they’d never laughed so hard.
Somewhere inside of me that little muse grinned from ear-to-ear and very quietly began to poke away at my sanity. Muses do that, you know. That, and make you remember very important things, like never run from a hungry grizzly. Well except when he’s on TV, then you can run, poke your tongue out at him and tell him funny jokes. Although bears never get funny jokes, I’ve discovered. In fact the only thing they really understand is “Hey there’s a few rotting salmon in the next stream. Way better on your preference ladder for snackies than my scrawny body.”
Later, in High School, is when my muse woke up. She hasn’t shut up ever since (bit like my wife, but that’s another story). Now I know where the strange term “Jabberwocky” came from.
The first day of a creative writing course our assignment was to write half-an-hour non-stop on anything and everything. Staring at the blank, lined, pages I could only ask “I have to write for half-an-hour non-stop? About what????”
The teacher replied, “About anything and everything.”
So used to being told what to do in school in those days, the idea that I could just do something on my own and be let loose, seemed beyond bizarre.
“I’ll give you a zero if you don’t fill the page,” was his response.
Incentive, then. The muse wrung her hands in mirthful glee.
I simply stared in bewilderment at the blank page and wondered what kind of easy five-credit course did I think I had signed up for in a moment of insanity.
My hand shook as I held the pencil to the paper and very thoughtfully put down, ‘the walls are beige; the girl in front of me is a blonde; I wonder how old the gum stuck under my desk is; and I am so frigging bored. (I thought if I can put anything down, then the odd cuss word should be acceptable).
But at some point, after about a week, the muse lost patience and snapped. She (I know it’s a woman, she whacked me upside the head and took over, controlling bitch. [Back to the wife again, but, as I said, that’s another story]). The flow began, just as the teacher had said it would. By the end of the day I’d filled four to six pages, my pencil a blur trying to keep up with the whirling dervish inside my subconscious. She hasn’t shut up since, and I don’t intend to have her stop either. You’ll probably find me on my deathbed, pencil in hand, a hundred and three, and there will be a long jagged line scribbling down the page, stating…
To Be Continued.
Because some stories never end.

My Stillwaters Run Deep Series
To Purchase Link Below


Here's the links to videos of the first two books, for you to enjoy and tempt you to buy.

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Saturday, April 21, 2018

Introducing new BWL Publishing author Bernice Bohnet

I feel I have achieved the pinnacle of success because my novel is being published. I’ve fallen in love with this form of writing. Novels require the use of virtually every facet of the brain; imagination, organization and verbal fluency. 

I never planned to deliberately write historical fiction. It chose me.  I find the World War 2 era fascinating. There were few people at that time not impacted by the war.  

My protagonist, Anna, initially lives in London, England and suffers a boring job in a munitions factory, deprivation as the result of rationing and the very real experience of danger. “Anna clutched her heart. Air raid sirens railed. Would she have time to get to the tube? A loud, terrifying buzz filled the air. Dear Lord, it must be one of the vicious German V1 bombs that were as frightening as they were deadly.”

When she comes to Canada, she isn’t accepted by the fanatical in-laws she is forced to live with. “Repent, Anna, repent or you will go to a fiery hell. First, it will be your feet, then your legs; finally your whole body and it will never end. You will burn for all eternity.”

Anna’s husband, Daniel, also suffers. His experiences in Normandy leave him with nightmares and frightening flashbacks. Even farm work brought back the war. “The crash and clang of the hail striking the metal became the sounds of the anti-tank shells bombarding his Firefly. “

In a separate flashback, “The beach was filled with brains and guts and blood, men screaming and crying.” Daniel is a good person under monumental stress. The novel begs the question, “Is war ever justified?”
Despite all this, Anna and Daniel share a great, consuming love. They are very happy in each other’s company.

I hope my readers will enjoy Till the Wind Blows Silent as much as I enjoyed writing it.
Bernice Bohnet

Friday, April 20, 2018

Spring IS Coming! by J.Q. Rose

Welcome to the BWL Publishing Insiders Blog!

Terror on Sunshine Boulevard by J.Q. Rose
Mystery, paranormal
Click here to find mysteries by JQ Rose at BWL Publishing

Shocking. That's what it was. Snow! A thick, six-inch layer of snow covered the lawns, heaped up in piles along the cleared (thank goodness) roads, and blanketed the tender leaves of spring flowers tentatively breaking through the unfrozen soil to face this wintry spring weather. We drove from Florida back to Michigan last week through rain, wind, snow showers and black ice only to discover our part of the world was still smothered with that white fluffy stuff!! 

So, for all of you (including me) still dealing with winter in the middle of April, I'll share some of my spring photos from years before to give you a taste of what surely WILL come. Don't give up. Spring is on its way.


Forsythia bush

Pink tulips

Flowering crab

Tulips and creeping phlox
Let's party!!

One good thing I can find about this extended winter weather is the fabulous opportunity to stay in and read a book! Then, this summer, you can read a book at the beach. Anytime, anyplace is perfect for reading.
Wishing you a wonderful spring!

Click here to connect online with mystery author J.Q. Rose.

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