Thursday, March 24, 2022

My First and Only Stage Play By Joan Donaldson-Yarmey

Over my writing career I have written non fiction travel books, and mystery, historical, and holiday romance novels. One year, after taking a two day, play writing course, I wrote a stage play. I entered my play in the Fringe held in the small town where I lived. It was accepted and then came the hard part: finding actors and props, producing, and directing it.

      I needed a male and a female lead actor and I asked two people who had been in plays in our local theatre before. They agreed and I gave them each a copy of the play. We met and had a run through with us discussing how we each saw the characters. Their interpretation of their character's actions and attitude were sometimes different from mine, but, other than a few places where I felt a certain delivery was needed, I let them decide how to play the part. Through our many rehearsals with the props, which my husband, Mike, was in charge of, the characters evolved and took shape as we discovered better ways for them move, react, and relate.

      I also needed actors for a party scene and I approached people I knew and/or worked with in my quest. Even though I told them that they would only be on stage for less than five minutes, that all they had to do was listen to the male actor beak off about how good he was, and that they had no lines, many gave a flat no, explaining that they could never get up on stage in front of an audience. Some agreed so I gave them the times of our next two rehearsals. Most of them never showed up. I kept asking people: my cats' vet, the owner of a new store in town, the person who donated some props. But I only had the same two people show up for any of the rehearsals and it looked like Mike and I would be making our acting debut. I was beginning to worry. Maybe I would have to drag up some of the audience members.

      On the evening of the first presentation, two of the three who had attended rehearsals, two actors in another play and I made up the attendees of the party. For the Saturday matinee the partiers were, one of my three regulars along with two members of my dragon boat team, the two actors from the other play, a theatre volunteer, and myself.

      One thing I did learn was that for something like the Fringe where plays are being presented one after the other, having a lot of props is not a good idea. Because I was showing a story instead of telling a story, I had over forty props, some large ones being: fridge, stove, desk, computer, sewing machine, two chairs, table; smaller ones being: duster, broom, envelope, paper, boxes, material, pens, wine bottle and glasses, and many more. The play after me had only two tables, two chairs, a laundry basket and some beer bottles. Another play I watched had some tea cups and teddy bears.

      On the first evening there were going to be four separate plays, mine being the first. That was perfect because it gave us time to set up our scene. However, at the end, we had to get our props off stage so that the next play could set theirs up before their showing. Our actors became stage hands and things disappeared in a hurry. The same happened on Saturday afternoon.

      The important thing I learned was that while I had written the words, I was at the mercy of the actors to show up for the rehearsals, learn their lines, and speak those words on stage. My female lead was off book (I did get to know some of the lingo) quickly, but the male lead found it harder to remember his lines. He also missed some of the rehearsals.

      Putting on a stage play isn't like making a movie. You don't get to go back and redo a scene. When asked, the way I put it is, opening night did not go as rehearsed. To be honest, it wasn't even close. The male character kept forgetting his lines or changing them which threw the female character off, as well as the lighting guy and Mike who had to operate a smoke machine.

     The Saturday afternoon presentation went better. He still missed many of his lines but the audience laughed when they were supposed to and they understood, and laughed at, the twisted ending. I was elated and hearing that laughter made the whole process worthwhile. And I do believe I will try another play for next year, but I will keep the props to a minimum and have the actors tell the story instead of show the story.

      While there were many mishaps and problems getting my play to the stage, the most memorable is about our wine bottle. We needed a wine bottle for the opening scene, so I rinsed one out and filled it with water. We used it for our first on stage rehearsal and left it along with our other props for our full dress rehearsal the next evening. When I went to find it for that rehearsal, it was gone. We searched everywhere and couldn’t find it, so we used a beer bottle in its place. We laughed and hoped that the person hadn't decided to take it as a hostess gift to some fancy dinner. I found another wine bottle for our opening night. At the end of the evening I discovered our first bottle by the back door, empty. That person must have thought it was the weakest, worst tasting wine ever made.

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Writing Phoebe Fisher by Victoria Chatham




I think most authors have a favourite book, hero or heroine, amongst the books they write. I would have said my first heroine, Emmaline Devereux (His Dark Enchantress), was my favourite, with her sister-in-law Juliana Clifton (His Ocean Vixen) a close second. Now, I think my latest heroine, Phoebe Fisher, has topped the lot.

When I first had the concept for my series, Those Regency Belles, I wanted characters who were young ladies but not necessarily titled. Hester Dymock (Book 1) did marry a lord and so became a lady, Charlotte Gray (Book 2) accepted a proposal from the gentleman in her life, and Phoebe Fisher, an educated farmer’s daughter, becomes a lady in her story.

Right from the beginning, Phoebe, as had Julian Clifton when I was writing His Dark Enchantress, kept intruding in the writing of Hester and Charlotte’s stories. If I hadn’t already had plans for her, I would have had to come up with something, so insistent was she to be on the page. Phoebe, having no pretensions, quite sound common sense, and giggling a lot was fun, right from the beginning. She was also quite a little flirt in an honest-to-goodness way.

I set the story in my home county of Gloucestershire, in England, and thought I knew its history well. In researching several themes to make sure I had my facts right, I came across other snippets of history and information that I thought might be fun to include. Other facts came from books I read and internet searches, although that can be a dangerous route to take as one fact often leads to another and then it becomes like Forrest Gump’s box of chocolates – which one do you pick? One I could not let go of was the exhibition of animals from the Royal Menagerie held in Well Walk, Cheltenham, on June 12th, 1812. What animals were exhibited? You'll have to read the book to find out!

I also found that catalogue shopping for their homes was something applicable to both the Georgian and Regency eras. How about this hand-dyed leather chair and


Persian silk rug? Both appear in my story.

Phoebe Fisher will be released in June, 2022. I hope you enjoy reading her story as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Victoria Chatham


Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Book signings and "colorful" readers

 Book signing events are the lifeblood of an author. If we're not out among our readers, talking about and signing, our books languish on dusty shelves, unread and unloved. I go to bookstores, libraries, grocery stores, etc. Each setting brings its own set of readers and colorful people. As my wife once said, "We meet the nicest people at book events."

For the most part, that's true. Most of the people are well-read, interesting, and interested. We have wonderful discussions about the book, the plot, the characters, and what readers would like to see in future books. It's fun and invigorating.

Then there are the other encounters. The ones that left me...unsure of just what had transpired. At an event in Superior, Wisconsin at woman confronted me, yelling that I'd stolen the title of HER book. She proclaimed that she was going to sue me and make me recover and destroy all the books I'd sold. After the woman left, the bookstore's proprietor walked over and said, "I think I'm glad she didn't have a gun." Luckily, that incident has never been repeated.

I once asked a woman what she'd like me to inscribe in her book. Her response, "Oh, I don't know. You come up with something." Since I write mysteries, I thought it would be clever to write, "To ____, a mysterious woman."  The woman read the inscription and tears filled her eyes. "You can see right into my soul." I was stunned and replied. "No, not really. I just use that inscription on all my books." She clutched the book to her chest and thanked me. I resolved to NEVER use that inscription again.

People often tell me they're thinking about writing a book and ask for hints. One woman, accompanied by a man with a wild "Albert Einstein" hairdo, asked for tips on writing dialogue. I told her that as I write, the characters often speak to me, directing the dialogue and story. With those words, the man, who'd been silently listening, perked up and said, "I hear voices too. Sometimes they tell me to do bad things." The woman apologized and quickly bundled the man away. There is probably a plot there...

A woman at a book club (I've discovered the book club is often a euphemism for drinking group) button-holed me. "I like your main character and the evolving sexual tension between him and a female character. Here's what's going to happen in your next book..." I was delighted that she was so engaged with the characters that she wanted their evolving relationship to be included in the next book but was taken aback by her firm, detailed view on exactly how their romance was going to progress. 

Most recently, one of my consultants and a beta reader, sent me an email after reading part of Gator Bait. "My stepson is a Florida cop, and the ranger you've created is exactly like his former partner." She went on to fill me in on the former partner's quirks and foibles, adding to the realism and texture of the character. Her guidance was so successful that she later sent me a follow-up email. Unaware of his daughter's input, her father commented, in salty terms, just how perfectly distasteful that character was.

On another positive note, a woman interrupted my discussion of a recent library signing, announcing that she had to depart for another event. "I'm the high school English teacher, and there are a couple things I need to tell you about this book." At that point mental alarms started sounding. Thoughts of dangling participles and misplaced commas bounced around my head. I smiled and let her proceed. "You've done a great job of creating relatable characters. But more than that, you took the time to tie off every loose plot thread. That's truly rare, and a gift to the reader who doesn't have to wonder how those subplots were resolved. Thank you."

Yes, there have been a few uncomfortable encounters, but the fun and interesting events far outweigh the negative. I look forward to every event, blissfully unaware of who I'll meet and what they might share.

Many thanks are owed to the BWL Publishing editors who've helped me write the best possible books. I appreciate their input, along with the assistance of my "family" of beta readers, proofreaders, and media experts.

Check out my books at:

Monday, March 21, 2022

Digging Deep into WWII, surprises and revelations, by Diane Scott Lewis


“A rich plot with building suspense, the writing is perfect and flows well. I loved this story.”   ~History and Women~

To purchase Ghost Point: Ghost Point

To purchase my novels and other BWL booksBWL

For my upcoming novel set during WWII, I decided on Brittany, France for the setting. I wanted to visit there, but Covid decided otherwise. So, research was key.

Two of my critique partners are Frenchwomen, one whose husband lived in France during the war. As a child he thought nothing of the invading troops of Germans. Out in the country, early in the war, the reprisals were minimal. The soldiers were kind to the children, giving them gifts; a different side than what you usually hear. 

My biggest obstacle in my story is how to make a Nazi commandant palpable to my audience. There were so many cruel officers, and of course, horrible actions.

I think I've managed to show a man caught in a war he never wanted, and he'll make a vital decision to sabotage what is happening in the region he's put in charge of.

My heroine, Englishwoman Norah, is trapped in France by the invasion, and to her chagrin, finds herself attracted to the commandant. She sees the decency in him. Her life will be turned upside down by her decisions.

She loves to paint, but will she be required to go beyond painting to help the growing Resistance? She'll be at direct odds with her lover, and must make a choice.

Now I have to figure out how to plant explosives on a submarine. The life of a writer!

German U-boat

If the FBI ever checked my computer 'searches' they'd think I was a poisoner, a knife wielder, and a bomb maker.

I wish my father were still alive. He'd have so much to tell me about the war, as he served as a young Radioman aboard navy ships. He was stationed at the notorious Guantanamo Bay in Cuba. In fact, he swears he gave it the nickname, Gitmo. 

Carl Dahlstrom, my father in the navy.

He also worked, of all places, in Rio de Janeiro, but he'd never talk about it.

Years later, after his death, I happened to read in the paper that a secret submarine refueling site in Rio had just been declassified. I had my answer, but it was too late to discuss it with him.

So many secrets yet to discover!

Diane lives with her husband and a very naughty dachshund in Western Pennsylvania.

To find out more about her and her books:

Sunday, March 20, 2022

March is Women's History Month, Be a Guide for Women and Girls of Today and Tomorrow #bwlpublishing #womenshistory month

Arranging a Dream: A Memoir by J.Q.Rose
Click here to find more books by J. Q. Rose from BWL Publishing

Hello and welcome to the BWL Authors Insider Blog!

 Happy First Day of Spring!

The Beauty of the Earth--Rachel Carson Quote

Today is the first day of spring in my part of the world! That does not necessarily mean spring weather will accompany the date. But, oh, the hope that spring brings for a fresh start, for new beginnings is something to celebrate!

Also worthy of celebrating is International Women's Day.  The special day is every year on May 8. It is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. The day is also a call to action for accelerating women's equality."--National Women's History Project website

International Women's Day is an event through the National Women’s History Project (NWHP). 

According to their website, this organization "was founded in 1980 in Santa Rosa,
to broadcast women’s historical achievements. We convinced Congress and the White House of the need for our nation to celebrate and recognize women’s role in history on an annual basis. As a result of our efforts, the week of March 8th (International Women’s Day) was officially designated as National Women’s History Week. In 1987, we led the successful campaign to have the entire month of March declared National Women’s History Month."

Now an international event, Women’s History Month is celebrated during March in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia, corresponding with International Women's Day on March 8, and during October in Canadacorresponding with Persons Day on October 18.

Women's History Month Theme

The theme for 2022 is "Providing Healing, Promoting Hope" to honor caregivers, those on the front lines during the Covid pandemic, and recognition of the thousands of ways that women of all cultures have provided both healing and hope throughout history.

Thank you to the NWHP for keeping women's history alive for future generations to learn about the amazing lives of those who have gone before them. Truly inspirational stories for the girls and women of tomorrow.

Survival Guide--anonymous

The stories from the past, your life story, is important too. Yes, it is. Your life experiences sharing hopes and dreams, success and failure, joy and sorrow serve as survival guides and inspire the women of today and tomorrow. 

I am a life storytelling evangelist! I encourage everyone to record their stories. You haven't landed on the moon, discovered a cure for a disease, established a charity?  No matter. Your ordinary stories are extraordinary and will resonate with readers who are going through some of the things you have already
Arranging a Dream: A Memoir
 experienced in your life.

I have presented workshops on writing life stories for nearly twenty years. I finally decided to combine my experience in penning non-fiction articles and my storytelling skills to create my life story. Not the entire story from birth to present, but just one theme that was the turning point in my life. I wrote about the first year my husband and I left our family, friends, and guaranteed two paychecks, and moved our one-year-old daughter and all our belongings from Central Illinois to West Michigan to purchase a flower shop and greenhouse business.

I began writing the story for our daughters. But, as I wrote it, I felt the messages of hope and the idea that dreams can come true would encourage others to pursue their dreams. 

Your story has a message for someone. It's been written in your heart. Now let it be written for your family, friends, the world. You'll not only inspire someone else to cope, but your story, seen through the lens of time, will also bring understanding to you. 
I wish you all the best in sharing your memories.

Click the links below to connect online with JQ Rose:

J.Q. Rose, Author

Saturday, March 19, 2022

Ping Pong by Helen Henderson

Windmaster Golem
Click the cover for purchase information

Ping pong, or table tennis, is a 19th-century Victorian parlor game where two or four players use small, solid paddles to hit a ball back and forth across a table. It eventually became an Olympic sport. Before the days of social media, the internet, and omnipresent technology and electronic games, ping pong tables were popular on college campuses and could even be found in civic and church recreational halls. When it was too dark or too cold outside for frisbee, table tennis filled the void.

However, it is ping pong as a verb that has been keeping the meteorologists busy. The official definition is to, "move rapidly back and forth or between different states." Within days, or sometimes even hours, weather and temperatures varied widely and could go from the 70s to the 20s in a blink. A sunny day with wispy clouds gives way to rain, sleet, freezing rain, and snow. And that didn't include two back to back ice storms that left pine boughs and magnolia branches littering the ground. I felt sorry for the daffodils who couldn't decide to bloom or duck and cover. 

No putting away winter clothes for the season. Pretty much every type of outfit from ski jackets and thermals to short sleeve tee shirts and shorts were needed to keep up with  the temperatures ping ponging. About the only outfit that wasn't needed was a bathing suit. 

The bright colors of  cherry tree blossoms tell warmer weather has arrived.

When the weather is bad in my area, sometimes it is the characters who bear the brunt of it. In Windmaster, Ellspeth and Dal are riding a dangerous mountain trail in a blizzard. Exhaustion and being soaked to the skin are not the only problems encountered. Even after shelter is found, Ellspeth comes under a psychic attack.

Where I grew up,  cardinals came with snow. The arrival of robins in the yard and the blooming of daffodils and crocuses signaled spring. Outside our sunroom in the more southerly clime, the winged harbingers of spring and winter co-exist all year round. So how to tell its spring?

Beyond a date on the calendar, I'm not sure anymore. But nature's playing ping pong with the weather and temperature has one benefit. It allows for procrastination in spring cleaning and swapping out seasonal items. And is a perfect excuse to get a new book.

~till next month, stay safe and read.

To purchase the Windmaster Novels: BWL

Find out more about me and my novels at Journey to Worlds of Imagination.
Follow me online at FacebookGoodreads or Twitter.

Helen Henderson lives in western Tennessee with her husband. While she doesn’t have any pets in residence at the moment, she often visits a husky who have adopted her as one the pack. 

Friday, March 18, 2022

Happy Dancing! by Nancy M Bell


To learn more about Nancy and her books click on the cover.

Soooooo, a little sneaky preview. I can share this as my post doesn't go live until March 18th and the big reveal is on March 17th.  His Brother's Bride, and indeed, all the Canadian Historical Brides books will soon be available as fully accessible audio books. There will be Daisy/NNELS files available for those who require them. This is a huge step forward for us at BWL Publishing Inc and I for one am very excited about it.

Now, more good news! My book of poetry, Touchstone 2015 was reviewed by Miguel Angel Olive Iglesias in his latest book  A Shower of Warm Light. Miguel is editor in chief of the Canada Cuba Literary Alliance (CCLA) magazine The Ambassador and president of the CCLA. He is a member of the Mexican Association of Language and Literary Professors, VP of William Shakespeare Study Centre and member of of the Canadian Studies Department of the Holguin University in Cuba.

I am more than thrilled and certainly humbled to be included in this book, along with many highly successful Canadian poets. I must thank James Deahl, the editor of Tamaracks, Canadian Poetry for the 21st Century for including my poem Henge in his book and encouraging me to send my poetry to Miguel.

Miguel says of my work:

"Her book (Touchstone) is a reminder of how connected we are to the essences of life and points to our origins, our guiding principles, our salvation. It is a book about, with and for love. It exudes gratefulness and wholeheartedness from the very first proposal, "Touchstone," to its last poem, "Lost in Choices."

He goes on to say:
"Bell connects nature with the human condition in the last stanza (of "Tide") using a versatile expressive means, simile: The tide is coming in/sliding up the shore/Sure and steady as mothers love." She is able to link the sureness and steadiness of the ever-lapping sea with love, a leitmotif in her creation."

In conclusion he says of my poem "Still in Love" and my work in general :
"As I said at the beginning, this is a book of love. Bell has a gift: she is able to pour out words with an emphatic and empathic tone that catches the reader as she turns concrete occurrences and a great love into an ever-lasting experience: "The memory of  what we had/ And what we were to each other....// With the summer days we lived together/ And the love we shared."

I am totally humbled by his words. I write poetry because it comes to me, like breathing. Usually already whole and complete  just waiting for me to put the words on paper. It's something that I've done from a very early age and something that I enjoy. It also has a cathartic aspect, as putting emotion into words helps to exorcise pain and help me heal, and also to express the beauty that abounds around us. So much beauty that it would break my heart if I didn't set it free and share it.

Until next month, stay well, be happy.


Thursday, March 17, 2022

What To Do When Your WIP Takes A U-Turn by Janet Lane Walters #BWLAuthor #MFRWAuthor $Romantic suspense #medical #Blackmail #Murders


What To Do When Your WIP Takes a U-Turn


This book is coming in April, I definitely pary I can finish. Unfortunately, the book took a U-turn at the halfway point. What do you do then? If my hair hadn’t already turned white, it certainly would be of no color now. There are a number of things you can do.

First, you could throw the chapters away and begin anew.

Second you could find the first point of the change.

Third you can change the focus of the story a bit.

I didn’t dot the first since I knew those pages were solid. I moved to the second way and found there was a point where the story changed. I explored this and finally I realized, I’d thought of this as a straight suspense story. Then I realized there was more to be shown.

I pulled out the main points of the story. Nurses trying to rid their hospital of doctors unfit to practice medicine. Then I looked for the crimes. Blackmail and murder. I finally realized there was a reason for the blackmail and murders. The heroine was the focus of all of these. I discovered the why and finally had the story on track again. I’m nearly finished with the rewrite and not it’s time to look at the pages and add what needs to be added and show the new slant. This is  not a straight medical suspense but is a romantic suspense. Soon I’ll be writing The End. Once that’s done, I’ll send it off. Hopefully I’ll never have a story do this again.

Not the characters yelling that’s not the way. This time the plot yelled I don’t like the way the story is going.

My Places



Buy Mark


Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Is it sci-fi or horror? by J.C. Kavanagh


The Twisted Climb
Book 1 of the award-winning series

I'm well into the manuscript for Book 3 of my Twisted Climb series, but every now and then I take a break from writing a young adult book and switch to.... sci-fi horror. Yeah, I have a fascination for science fiction thanks to Gene Roddenberry's Star Trek. And I have a lurid fascination for horror, thanks to Stephen King's Carrie, The Shining, and The Stand. Many of the adventures in The Twisted Climb's dream world have paranormal and horrific features - features that I love to wrap my twisted mind around. Mmmm, delicious.

Lead characters in Gene Roddenberry's Star Trek 
William Shatner as Captain Kirk and Leonard Nimoy as Spock 

The 1978 original cover of Stephen King's The Stand

So when I have an opportunity to write something other than YA (young adult), I wholeheartedly accept. I belong to a writers' group called 'The Wordsmiths,' a very talented group of local authors and poets. To stir the creative pot, our group leader frequently provides story prompts. Last week's storyline choices were:

1. Your character, by chance or habit, peers through a telescope. They see something unusual - what is it?

2. Your character has just checked her lottery ticket numbers and finds that she has all the numbers and is a big winner. What goes through her mind the first hour and what does she decide to do.

Sooo... my twisted mind went to work and came up with this...  

Just one look
by J.C. Kavanagh

 “I know it’s there!”

“It’s not there – I’ve inspected the entire quadrant.”

Ellie drummed her fingertips against the cold, metal desktop. “Well, I saw it yesterday and the day before, so, it’s got to be there. Dying stars don’t disappear in a day.”

Her new colleague, Freizen, shook his head. “I know that – you forget my specialty is in galactic death.”

Ellie deliberately turned her head to one side and rolled her eyes, preventing Friezen from witnessing her sarcastic response. Galactic death is his specialty – ahaha! She held back a laugh, turning it into a quick cough.

Friezen leaned toward her, his one eye seeming to grow larger with each passing second as the single pupil replicated over and over until it appeared as multi-faceted as the arachnid species found on earth. Only this wasn’t earth. This was a galaxy far away where humans were called ‘alien.’ On this planet, there were only spider-like beings – creatures with a single eye and eight hairy limbs. Ellie waved a hand in front of her face. “You don’t scare me with your alien eyeball,” she said softly. “We came in peace, remember?”

Friezen shifted his body back, allowing his single eye to roam over her human body. Slowly, the pupils merged to one and Ellie knew he had overcome his fight-and-kill mentality. It was always this way with him. Actually, it was this way with his entire species.

Ellie tapped a set of coordinates on the wall-sized computer screen, enhancing the quadrant ten-fold. “This is where you’re pointing the telescope, right?” An image of the starry sector appeared on the wall before them. Bracing hands on hips, she said, “I want to look for myself.”

In response, Friezen waved four of his limbs at the eyepiece of the enormous telescope. “You can take a look – but you only get one look.”

Ellie stepped toward the eyepiece, sidling past Friezen. She was confused at his comment. If that was a dying star I saw and if that really was part of the Milky Way galaxy, then I might have witnessed my own planet self-destructing. But why would Friezen hide that from me?

“Just one look?” she asked. He nodded and pointed once more toward the telescope.

Ellie leaned into the eyepiece, focusing on the spiral-shaped sector. There! It’s there! The dying star was glowing brightly in its final death dance. She turned toward Friezen just as he spewed a massive gob of gossamer web on her face.

“Humans are so stupid,” he said. “But their brains are quite tasty.”

* * * 

I'm not sure which genre reflects this short story, sci-fi or horror. What do you think?

If you're looking for great books to read during the March break - check out my award-winning Twisted Climb series. Action, adventure, suspense, drama and paranormal activities abound!

Stay safe everyone!

J.C. Kavanagh, 
Voted Favourite Local Author, South Simcoe, 
author of The Twisted Climb - Darkness Descends (Book 2) voted BEST Young Adult Book 2018, Critters Readers Poll and Best YA Book FINALIST at The Word Guild, Canada 
The Twisted Climb, 
voted BEST Young Adult Book 2016, P&E Readers Poll
Novels for teens, young adults and adults young at heart 
Twitter @JCKavanagh1 (Author J.C. Kavanagh)
Instagram @authorjckavanagh


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