Thursday, May 23, 2019

A Breath of Fresh Air by Victoria Chatham

Rough Winds

Writers are always looking for ways to enhance the drama in their plots and the nuances of their characters. Just as we sometimes use the weather to create a mood or direct the way a scene goes, so we can make use of the seasons in our settings and in our characters’ moods. Never mind my characters, I know my mood definitely changes with the onset of spring but, after all my years living in Canada, I still miss an English springtime. My memories are of a gentle segue from the rough winds and rain of winter to the soft breezes and light showers of true spring, of standing on a hillside breathing in the fresh air under a clear blue sky and when the hedgerows began to green, of looking for the wildflowers that sheltered beneath them, snowdrops and crocuses, primroses and celandines. 

Do Shake the

Cheese Rolling
There are also all the events and activities the springtime weather shakes up. Much like those who long for the start of baseball in North America, competitors around the UK can take part in wellie wanging (how far can you throw a Wellington boot?), cheese rolling (chasing a 7-9 pound wheel of cheese down a 1-3 gradient hill), bog snorkelling and wife carrying. There are also the Tetbury woolsack races, guys carry a 60-pound sack and girls a 35-pound sack, which start in one of two pubs and are run up a 1-4 gradient hill. 

Darling Buds of May

May is also the time for Hawthorn, the 'haw' in this instance being an old word for hedge.
White Hawthorn
According to Celtic myth, hawthorn flowers are the most likely plant to harbour fairies which is why Hawthorn was never taken into the house. Its branches could be formed into garlands and hung on the door, or set into the ground outside the house to ward off evil spirits, illness, and death. The young leaves (known as bread and cheese) can be added to salads, along with dandelion greens and elderberry. The berries are well known for their anti-oxidant and heart health benefits. Add garlic for a super boost. Hawthorn once bloomed close to the beginning of the month and was known as the May-tree, the only British plant to be named for the month in which it blooms, but now blooms closer to the middle of the month.

Springtime sets the scene for the rest of the year. It is a time of renewal and hope and, who knows, it might bring ideas for a whole new set of characters and books, like my next Regency romance, coming in July.

A shocking betrayal by the man she has come to trust and begin to love, shatters Lady Olivia Darnley's new found happiness. Will Lord Peter Skeffington manage to overcome the rift between them that he has unwittingly caused? Will she accept not only his apology but also his proposal of marriage? Is there a future for this apparently mismatched pair?

Cheese Rolling at Cooper's Hill courtesy of 
Primroses, Hawthorn, from the author's library.
Paragraph Headings:
Quote from William Shakespeare's Sonnet #18

May 23rd

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Just An Old Soul

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Just An Old Soul

Do you know how often I’ve spooked people by stealing their thoughts? Where the very sentence forming in their minds comes out of my mouth? (My wife's, in particular). I have often visualized things I wanted and knew where to get them. Perfect example was the candle snuffer. Nobody seemed to stock them but suddenly I just knew to visit our local Value Village. My wife was not convinced. “You could probably wait a thousand years” she says “for something so obscure to be at any Value Village, let alone the one down the road”. Well she had to pick her chin up off the floor when I walked straight up to where it hung on the wall. Yup, I do that a lot, sometimes wondering if I was a magician or a mystic in a former life. Some have called me a shaman.

Former lives? Many of us believe in past lives. I do. The eerie feeling of seeing a picture, smelling a particular aroma or hearing a certain sound and visions or feelings of being there, done that, sometimes surface. The old déjà vu principle.

While researching my next book, tentatively entitled, "Agnes? Who The Eff Is Agnes?", I again trusted my intuition and walked into the local bookstore, knowing that the first book I touched would be invaluable. 'Past Life Regression' by Ursula Markham, a registered hypno-therapist from London. Some of her experiences have helped many people overcome some severe phobias or attitudes that aren't effective in their lives.

A couple of examples: a fifteen-year-old boy who wouldn't answer any questions was getting picked on by his schoolmate,s calling him stupid and simple, but his school marks showed otherwise. Ursula regressed him to find out that in his last lifetime he claimed to be an American pilot, shot down and captured by the Nazis in the Second World War. He would only give his name, rank and serial number and was killed during interrogation. This explained why the boy wouldn't answer any direct questions. She wrote to the American authorities and found out that pilot was indeed real and listed as missing-in-action at thirty-two years of age during the war. I need to add here that this was in the late sixties, so him finding this information would be impossible with no internet. She helped the boy overcome this fear and make his life better.

Ursula regressed an anorexic woman. In her past lifetime, she'd been a male gangster, who abused women, killed and beat up a lot of people, sold drugs; was a completely evil man. He eventually became a very rich and overweight person, dying of obesity.

Another strange case of a man claiming to dream of being in the navy. When he was regressed, he had accurate knowledge of how English navy ships operated in the 1600's. Information so accurate she recorded them.  This drew the interest of Lord Mountbatten and he played the recordings to naval experts, which reported back that not only was the information accurate, but that some of that knowledge had been lost.

How does one begin to rationalize this? They say we often come back to learn some lesson for our soul’s growth. I believe the soul is eternal and goes through much evolution before it ascends to another place, be that heaven, nirvana or the fourth dimension.  Others claim that the cells retain memory of our past lives or of our human existence. Yup, woo-woo stuff. Now if I could just predict the next set of lottery numbers…

See you next month (which might well be written on the beach in Hawaii!).


Frank Talaber
Writer by soul. Words born within.
Karma, the seed. Paper, the medium. 
Pen, the muse. Novels, the fire.

Frank Talaber’s Writing Style? He usually responds with: Mix Dan Millman (Way of The Peaceful Warrior) with Charles De Lint (Moonheart) and throw in a mad scattering of Tom Robbins (Even Cowgirls Get The Blues).
PS: He’s better looking than Stephen King (Carrie, The Stand, It, The Shining) and his romantic stuff will have you gasping quicker than Robert James Waller (Bridges Of Madison County).
Or as is often said: You don’t have to be mad to be a writer, but it sure helps.

My Publishers Webpage:

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Twitter: @FrankTalaber

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

A Woman who Fights Against the Tide by Diane Scott Lewis

A young woman torn apart by war. My upcoming historical novel, Her Vanquished Land, (September release) explores the American Revolution from the Loyalists' side--the people who stayed loyal to King George III--as seen through the eyes of a young lady. The rebels, or revolutionaries, punished these Loyalists, confiscating their property, and in some cases even hanging them. No one was allowed to stay neutral. They had to pick a side.

Rowena Marsh lives an upper middle-class life in Easton, Pennsylvania, north of Philadelphia. Her father, a lawyer until chased from town by the rebels, is a staunch Loyalist. She believes what he does, that these rabble-rousers who want independence will never be able to win against the mighty British army.
Rowena is nearly eighteen, she has lost her mother to illness, and she's a tomboy, or hoyden in 18th century terms. She can't understand why her world is crumbling around her and wants to join in the fight.

Her brothers are serving in the British army, her irascible cousin sneaks off to clandestine meetings, and she feels she must do her part. Her life in constant danger, she follows her cousin to Philadelphia, a hotbed of rebel turmoil. But a mysterious Welshman, a cohort of her cousin, seems to be stalking her.

I got the idea to write of the Loyalists while researching my Canadian Brides novel, On a Stormy Primeval Shore.
But, I must admit, for an American it's not popular to write of the British side. How do I make my characters sympathetic? Giving Rowena confusion over which side is right as time goes on is one way to appeal to others.

Her Vanquished Land blurb:
In 1780, Loyalist Rowena Marsh insists on spying for the British during the American Revolution. As a girl, she must dress as a boy, plus endure devastation and murder as she decodes messages for a mysterious Welshman. The tide has turned in the rebels’ favor. General George Washington appears to be winning. The loyalists are bombarded by threats and lost battles. Rowena stays determined to aid the British cause and preserve her family as they’re chased from their Pennsylvania home.

She struggles with possible defeat and permanent exile, plus her growing love for the Welshman who may have little need for affection. Will the war destroy both their lives?

For further information on me and my books, please visit my website:
Or perfuse my BWL author page: BWL
Diane Scott Lewis grew up in California, traveled the world with the navy, edited for magazines and an on-line publisher. She lives with her husband in Pennsylvania.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Video: Visit Yorkshire, England, and the Bronte Sisters Museum with J.Q. Rose, Memorial Day

Dangerous Sanctuary by J. Q. Rose
Cozy Mystery

Pastor Christine Hobbs never imagined she would be caring for a flock 
that includes a pig, a kangaroo, and a murderer.
Find more mysteries by J.Q. Rose at BWL Publishing
Hello and welcome to the BWL Authors Insiders Blog.
In the US, we'll be celebrating the Memorial Day holiday this weekend. This holiday is considered the kick-off to the summer season and all the fun activities enjoyed in the good ole summertime. Kids are out of school and families take vacations.

Memorial Day, May 27

 In June 2018, my husband and I traveled to England for our summer trip. Today, I'm sharing a video I made of our travels into the county of Yorkshire. 

Please, grab the popcorn and red licorice and sit back in your chair. Join us as we tour through the area and meet up with an English friend in the video, 
Touring England--Visit Yorkshire.

Touring England--Visit Yorkshire

Wishing you a wonderful Memorial Day Weekend!
Are you planning a vacation this summer? 
Please leave a comment below. Thank you.
Click here to visit the J.Q. Rose, Author Facebook Page. Thank you.

Click here to connect to the Books We Love Website.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Here Comes the Brides of Banff Springs by Stuart R. West

Click here to purchase!
Rarely do I read romance. Even rarer? Rereading a book. But that's exactly what happened with author Victoria Chatham's elegant and entertaining historical romance novel, Brides of Banff Springs. The first time I read the book, I sat back with a sigh, wishing I could spend more time with Ms. Chatham's wonderful characters.

Books We Love LTD recently rereleased an extended second edition of Banff and, of course, I dug right into it. I loved it all over again.

The title refers to a myriad of "brides" of varying social and economic fortunes, a sort-of "brideacopia" of Downton Abbey-styled colorful characters. There's Fliss, a poor, sad maid at the ritzy Banff Springs Hotel in Canada, who's married to a bellhop, but has to keep their unity a secret in order to maintain her job; on the flip side, there's Burma, a brassy, sassy spoiled brat of a socialite who's engaged to a truly cretinous gold-digger; hey, how about the mysterious ghost bride who haunts the Banff Springs Hotel?; finally--and best of all--there's the heroine, Tilly, a down-on-her-luck poor girl who begins her backbreaking duties as a maid at the hotel while maintaining a never give in attitude and upbeat spirits. She's also being pursued by amorous trail guide, Ryan, but holds her own.

I'm certain you'll agree after checking out the following excerpt:

* * *

To Tilly, it was the loveliest evening of her life. Just before Ryan left her, he chucked her on the chin, and she smiled up at him.

“I’ll see you tomorrow,” he said. “Wear pants if you’ve got them. I’m taking you trail riding.” Tilly choked back a groan. There it was again, that proprietary streak that gave Ryan his take-charge attitude. It might work for guides and packers, but it sure wasn’t going to work for her.

She fisted her hands on her hips. “I’m going to marry you. I’m going to take you riding,” Tilly said. “Doesn’t it ever cross your mind that a girl might like to be asked what she wants?”

Ryan looked at her in mild astonishment. “Don’t you want to go riding?”

“That’s not the point,” Tilly sputtered. “Why can’t you just ask me, instead of telling me? I do have an opinion of my own you know.”

His easy-going shrug infuriated her even more. “All right. Would you like to go trail riding with me tomorrow?”

“Thank you.” Tilly tilted her chin up as she glared at him. “I would very much like to go riding with you. And I do have pants and boots.”

“Hmm.” He appeared to be considering her response. The gleam of humour in his eyes put her on edge and she looked up at him warily, waiting for the comeback she knew would trip off his tongue. “So, if you’re coming with me anyway,” he said, “why make all that fuss? Why not just say okay?”

 “Because you can’t just take it for granted that I’ll fall in with your plans.” Tilly pulled away from him. “What if I’d wanted to do something else?”

“Do you?”

“Ryan!” She threw up her hands in despair. “I can see that arguing with you will be like trying to catch a cloud.”

“Don’t waste your time then.” He kissed the tip of her nose, wished her goodnight, and walked off leaving her laughing.

* * *

I adore the character of Tilly. And I think that's the secret to the book's success. Hands down, she's one of the best heroines I've come across lately in fiction. She puts the pluck in plucky. But the other characters are just as vividly drawn by Ms. Chatham's exquisite prose. And did I mention there's a ghost story involved? Something for everyone. Hey, if this ol' persnickety codger fell for the book's charms, ANYONE can.

I give it 5 enthusiastic thumbs (, something like that)!

Check into the lovely Banff Springs Hotel today. Tell 'em I sent you.
Book your reservations now!

Friday, May 17, 2019

The Value of Blogging - Janet Lane Walters #Blogging #Promotion

The Value of Blogging

 The Amber Chronicles

It’s all about promotion and there are many ways to get your name out there but a lot of them are expensive. Sure you can promote on Twitter and some of the other frees sites but think of the chances someone will see the post about your new release or your back list books. I’ve found blogging is a great way to go.  At present I have three blogs where I post at least once a month. My own, I do every day but I also promote other people there as well. It’s fun meeting new authors and while I might not read all of their books, I’ve found several new authors to read this way. The Books We Love Blog is one of my regular beats as is Sweet and Spicy Divas. Then once a month, I post on another blog. Usually on Marketing For Romance there are opportunities for blog appearances. Now this may seem like a lot but it takes me not long and that’s because I keep the blog posts short. I once read that if they’re over five minutes people won’t read them. Sometimes mine are longer but these are excerpts.

Another opportunity for getting out there is to do the monthly BookHooks on MFRW. This brings more exposure and perhaps a sale or two. This is a blog hop and I let my twitter followers and my followers on Facebook know about my appearances.

I also try to visit the blogs where my friends have been interviewed or featured in another way and leave a comment. I always learn something when I read the blog posts. I also know a little bit of feedback helps boost an author’s spirits. If I’m featured on someone else’s blog, I promote my appearance on the day of the event. Also I try to go in for a few days after the posting and read the comments and give a thanks.

So if you have a chance to blog somewhere, do it. And if you have a blog, think about opening it to other authors. I know some of you do. The trick these days to selling books seems to be exposure.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

When a rope is not a rope, by J.C. Kavanagh

It's that time of year again when we haul off the canvas tarps, fire up the buffer, and prepare our sailboat, Escape Route II, for the sailing season. I do so love prepping, but it always involves the purchase of: 
Compound ($50)
Wax ($60)
Cleaning solutions ($50)
VC17 keel paint ($100 per can and we need two cans)
Varathane ($50)
Cetol ($50)
And the list goes on.....
Everyone knows what the acronym for BOAT is, right? 
It's Bring Out Another Thousand.
Yes, sailing and owning a boat is an expensive undertaking. The price for material used for 'marine' purpose is at least quadruple what you'd pay for another purpose. Example: the cost of a marine water pump is $800. The cost for the same item, used in a motor vehicle, is $100.
However, the pure joy of harnessing the wind to bring you from Point A to Point B, is - priceless. 
And anchoring? Pure bliss.
But back to spring fitting. 
Our spring fitting (the terms used for prepping the boat for the sailing season), usually involves four or five weekends of hard, physical work. First, we remove the canvas tarps and dismantle the winter structure. This takes one full weekend.

Then we spend two more weekends cleaning the interior of the boat (the interior is referred to as 'down below'), applying compound to the hull, waxing the hull, buffing the hull, washing the decks. I also bring back all my reading materials, cushions, spices for the 'galley' (kitchen), materials for the 'head' (bathroom), sunscreen and insect repellents. (All liquids are removed for the winter and returned in the spring.)
'Down below'
Then another weekend is dedicated to hooking up batteries, changing oil and water filters, testing the engine, and painting the bottom. The mast also needs to be cleaned and the rigging inspected (that's the steel cables, chains and turnbuckles that connect the mast to the body of the boat, as well as the spreaders, shrouds and halyards).

FACT: The ropes from the foresail, aka Genoa, aka Genny, are called 'sheets.'
FACT: Ropes are not referred to as ropes on a sailboat. They are 'lines,' 'sheets' or 'halyards.'
FACT: 'Halyards' are the ropes from the top of the mast leading to the foresail and the mainsail.

When everything has been inspected, cleaned and waxed, then it's time to paint the bottom of the boat and the keel. The keel on our 36' Catalina sailboat is made of lead and weighs approximately 6,600 lbs. The boat when empty, weighs over 14,000 lbs. My partner likes to joke and say when I provision the boat, it weighs 20,000 pounds. NOT TRUE, but funny. Provisioning means I've provided food, water and important materials to survive on the sailboat.

FACT: The lighter the boat, the faster it sails. 

Finally, it's time to launch the boat. A large and powerful wheeled transport 'lifts' the boat from its cradle (the metal structure that holds the boat while it's out of the water. A sailboat sitting on the cradle is referred to as being 'on the hard.')

FACT: the main part of the boat consists of the dining area which is 'down below.' This is referred to as the 'main salon.'

FACT: Bedrooms are called 'staterooms.' Our boat has two staterooms: the v-berth in the forward section of the boat (which is called the 'bow'), and the aft cabin, which is in the stern or 'aft' section of the boat.
FACT: the left side of the boat is called 'port.' The right side of the boat is called 'starboard.'

Last, we use the mast crane to lift and position the 54' mast into place. The shrouds and turnbuckles are attached to the decks; the forestay is locked into place along with the backstay. These 'stays' hold and prevent the mast from falling forward/back. The shrouds maintain the mast's centre position. Then the sails are hoisted into place.

There's one last check to ensure the rigging is not too tight and not too loose.

Then.... the sailing season begins!

Some exciting news to share.... The Twisted Climb - Darkness Descends has been short-listed by The Word Guild in the Young Adult Book, General market category. The winner will be announced at their awards/gala event in June. I'll keep you posted!

Take a few moments today to enjoy nature.

J.C. Kavanagh
The Twisted Climb - Darkness Descends (Book 2)
voted BEST Young Adult Book 2018, Critters Readers Poll
The Twisted Climb,
voted BEST Young Adult Book 2016, P&E Readers Poll
Novels for teens, young adults and adults young at heart
Twitter @JCKavanagh1 (Author J.C. Kavanagh)

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