Showing posts with label #jqrose. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #jqrose. Show all posts

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Planning a Book Launch

My new novel, A Killer Whisky, was published in December. For my previous books, I've held book launches close to the release date, but December isn't generally a good month for these events. Booksellers who host launches are busy with Christmas sales and everyone is shopping and attending parties. They find it hard to fit an additional activity into their hectic schedules. 

So, I postponed my book launch event to the new year. Due to other commitments from January through mid-March, I'm looking at late March for the party. The period between now and then will be my soft launch and planning time. 

The first step is to settle on a venue and date. My local bookstore, Owl's Nest Books, doesn't have space in their premises for our hoped-for number of attendees. I'm considering a couple of options and waiting for more information and confirmation of the date.  

Next, I'll plan the launch program. The last few times, I've prepared PowerPoint presentations. I enjoy doing them and the 1918 setting of A Killer Whisky provides more scope than my contemporary novels. I'll discuss Calgary history in relation to the book and show archival photographs as well as photos I've taken on my visits to story locations. In the past, I've liked inserting readings from the novel along with an image of the scene's setting.  

I imagined one of these preserved 1912-13 Calgary workers' cottages as my novel protagonist's home 

It's customary at launches to serve wine and light refreshments. I had the idea to shake this up by serving whisky, which is in the novel's title and plays a large role in the story. But one venue I'm considering makes providing alcohol problematic. So, how about a Prohibition theme with virgin cocktails? Prohibition features prominently in the novel.  

Theme is key to a successful launch I learned from a speaker at a writers' festival last summer. The best launches create a vibe and atmosphere that brings the world of the story alive. Venue, decorations, activities, food, drink, and music chosen to fit the theme. I'll probably stop short of appearing in period dress. 

Unfortunately, my Roaring Twenties costume is a few years after A Killer Whisky's era

During this soft launch time, I've lined up some online happenings that build to the actual launch. First up is an interview by my friend Shaun Hunter, a Calgary writer and literary historian. You can read the interview, which includes historical photographs, on Shaun's website. 

In February, I'm scheduled to appear on BWL author J.Q. Rose's blog.  I'll also participate in an online discussion with two fellow Sisters in Crime writers in an event called Between the Covers.    

I'll keep my eyes open for other soft launch opportunities during these next two months of planning and preparation that are turning out to be less relaxing than I'd expected. 

Happy New Year  





Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Vegetable Gardening: Fresh Vegetables from Our Garden to Our Dinner Table: Zucchini Cake Recipe #vegetablegardening #zucchini #gardening

Terror on Sunshine Boulevard by JQ Rose

Rescuing a naked woman lying in a geranium bed? Investigating mysterious murders? These are not the usual calls in a Florida retirement community for volunteer first responder Jim Hart.

Click here to discover more books by JQ Rose 
on her BWL Publishing author page.  

You just need a garden and a library!

 What a special time of year for people who love fresh veggies. July and August are the prime months for harvesting vegetables from our garden. This is the time of the year when we get paid back for all that hard labor in planting and nurturing those lovely plants. 

We are reaping the rewards now.

Not only does gardening provide rewards of fresh, healthy food, but the labor also is more satisfying than going to a stinky dark gym to exercise. Planting, digging and weeding the plot is one of the best ways to keep a happy, strong heart.

Warning!! It's zucchini time. Zucchini is a prolific plant. Once it gets growing, the harvesting goes on and on and on. You'll need several recipes to have some diversity in your diet.
I'll share a zucchini cake recipe at the end of the article.

Green tomatoes. Fingers crossed we'll have a long enough season for the tomatoes to ripen.
We had a late spring. The weather was so cold and rainy, Gardener Ted thought he would never get any crops from our garden. Unfortunately, many seeds rotted in the cold ground and had to be replanted. The good news is the sun finally came out and warmed up the ground so the beans are flowering and looking healthy today! We may pick a handful by the end of the week.

I picked my first green pepper this week. I love, love, love green peppers. You too?

The potato plants are blooming. They show promise of producing tasty spuds.

Lettuce on the left. Romaine and Magenta. We have had to give lots of lettuce away to friends and family and to the local food pantry. What a rewarding experience when people smile when we hand them the fresh lettuce. Nothing like it.
I've made two batches of slaw from crisp heads of cabbage. Nothing like the sound of the crack of a head of cabbage when you split it with a sharp knife. I cut the head in halves or quarters, cut out the core, then soak it in salt water for about 15 minutes.
The salt kills any insects hiding within the layers of leaves.

I know, the black-eyed Susans are not veggies, but oh so pretty.

In my scary story, Terror on Sunshine Boulevard, the main characters are Gloria and Jim Hart from Michigan. They spend winters in a retirement community in Florida. Jim is a year-round gardener with a garden Up North and one in Florida. He grows waaaaay too many vegetables so they give them away to friends and family. Gloria is always searching for delicious ways to cook vegetables so she has a choice of dishes for their dinner table. 

Hmmm...these characters are suspiciously similar to the author and her husband. LOL...Yes, I based them on my life, but Jim and Gloria are a bit more fun and quirkier than we are!
Image by congerdesign from Pixabay 

Since I can't pass a zucchini through the Internet to you, I will share a great recipe with you for Zucchini cake. 

3 c. flour
2 tsp baking powder
1 1/2 tsp cinnamon 
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
Sift together these dry ingredients into a bowl and set aside. (I don't use a sifter.)

3 c. sugar 
11/2 c. vegetable oil
1 tsp vanilla
4 eggs
3 c. shredded zucchini
1 c. chopped nuts
Beat together sugar, oil, vanilla, eggs and zucchini

Mix all ingredients together. Fold in nuts.
Spray 9 x 13-inch pan with oil--do you flour your pans?
Bake at 350 degrees C  for 1 hour
Cool in pan, then sprinkle with powdered sugar or frost with cream cheese icing
Mmmmm. Good.

TIP: Use 3/4 c. applesauce and 3/4 c. oil instead of 1 1/2 c. oil to reduce fat

So I leave you with this delicious recipe. 
I hope you and your family and friends enjoy the cake.
Our Michigan garden


Thank you for your support of my novels and memoir over the years and for your support of BWL Publishing.

Click the links below to stay connected with JQ Rose. Thank you.

Author JQ Rose and Gardener Ted

Monday, September 20, 2021

Where Do You Find Success by J.Q. Rose #BWLPublishing

Arranging a Dream: a Memoir by J.Q. Rose

Follow this couple’s inspiring story, filled with the joy and triumphs and the obstacles and failures experienced as they travel the turbulent path of turning dreams into reality.

Click here to discover more books by JQ Rose 
on her BWL Publishing author page.

Where Do You Find Success?

Fall colors

Wednesday, September 22 is the official first day of fall, but we are having fallish-feeling days in West Michigan now. I love it. Fall is a time of change. The days are cooler, The kids go back to school. Mother Nature paints the landscape in gorgeous colors.  The apples turn a brilliant red and are ready for harvest. 

The transition from summer to winter sparks a change within me, one of reflection and review of my life. 


The Insecure Writers Support Group Blog Hop question for the month of September stirred much contemplation about success. The question was—“How do you define success as a writer? Is it holding your book in your hand? Having a short story published? Making a certain amount of income from your writing?”

I have to admit I felt the exhilaration of pride and success when I held my paperback book in my hand. I mean, opening the box of books from amazon was akin to the excitement of opening Christmas gifts when I was a kid. I feel that way with every one of my published books.

So many folks think of success as related to their job. I find we all look for success in our work, but also in our purpose for our lives. Does success have to be a ground-breaking event to be considered a success at all? Does it have to be as big as being part of the team that landed on the moon? Developing a vaccination to keep us safe from COVID infection? Discovering the components to build the World-Wide-Web?

Success to me comes in small and large packages that evolve throughout my lifetime. Some days my success was measured by how many times my daughter’s diaper was dry because she used the potty, when my third grade student figured out the math problem on his own, the bride loved her wedding flowers, my husband and family told me how much they enjoyed the dish I had prepared for dinner, the publisher of my first book offered me a contract because “she loved my voice,” the first time I ventured out to the grocery store during the shutdown and I returned and remained healthy!

As I look back on success, I discovered none of them had to do with money. Success is measured in your heart, not in your wallet.

During this difficult time in our world, when you are feeling down, reflect on the moments you felt success in your life. Let that feeling flow through your body for a moment. Then use that resurgence of strength and move on with a bounce in your step to achieving your next success, big or small.

“Success is the ability to do what you love every day. This may sound simple but what you love changes over time and having the ability to change what you are doing to match your passion is true success. This has nothing to do with money, wealth or status as each person has different passions and loves.” – David Hauser co-founder of Grasshopper, a virtual phone service for small businesses.


Wishing you a wonderful fall season!


Click here to connect online with J.Q. Rose

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