Friday, October 16, 2020

Past Promotions - Looking Back over the Years #BWLAuthor #MFRWAuthor #Promotions #Interviews


Past Promotions


Years ago and we’re talking about many of those years, the first promotion I received for a book sale was in the local newspaper, the Butler Eagle where we lived. I was interviewed by a reporter and the article started out with my sale. That took up two lines. Then the post went on to say I was married to Dr. Walters MD. The next two columns were all about him. I still laugh over this. He was so embarrassed.


The second took place in the same town. It was on a local television station, with phone in calls from listeners. The first thing was make-up. Since I’m very allergic, I brought mine and endured. The session was for two hours and I wasn’t sure how to fill the time. The host began by asking me questions about my writing and about selling my first of three books. We chatted about writing and how I moved from short stories to novels. Then the forum was open for questions. I thought no one would call. Surprisingly there were a number of calls. Some were from my friends but there were some serious called. I found I really enjoyed helping others find ways to write their stories. When the two hours ended, I was exhausted. I also found I’d created a problem. Though I’d worn a pants suit and boots, I wore panty hose. When I reached the house, I discovered this woman who had been complimented for being so calm during the interview had ripped out both feet of the hose. I vowed I would never do this again.


Fast forward a few years, probably fifteen. I was once again asked to do a television interview. This was in a town two and a half hours away. Reluctantly, I agreed. This was not a call in show but I was grilled by a man who thought romance wasn’t real literature. I believe I held my side very well and I challenged him to read one of my books and gave him a copy. Not sure if he read the book But a did receive a nice letter saying I had enlivened his evening.


Would I do this again. Maybe.

By the way the first books of all my series are on sale

Thursday, October 15, 2020

National Boss Day - good or bad? by J.C. Kavanagh


The Twisted Climb 

Book 1 of the award-winning Twisted Climb series

I read on my calendar that today is National Boss Day. I live in Canada and have never heard of this 'national' day, promoted by Hallmark and of course, bosses. I had to chuckle. Boss Day?

And then I had to wonder...  how did National Boss Day come about? I found the answer courtesy of Google and Wikipedia. 

In 1958, a woman by the name of Patricia Bays Haroski from Deerfield, Illinois, wanted to show appreciation for her boss in a special way. It just happens that Patricia's boss was her father and his birthday was October 16, thus Boss Day. Being his daughter and aware of the trials and tribulations of being boss-man and perhaps, a maligned boss-man, she wanted her colleagues to better understand and appreciate the work, dedication and challenges faced by her dad - their boss. The idea must have gone over well because it slowly gained butt-kissing traction, and in 1962, the Illinois Governor officially proclaimed October 16 as National Boss Day.

Now I'm all for a national day - more so when it's a national 'holiday' - but Boss Day? Truly, isn't every day 'Boss Day' when the employee does their job and makes their boss, and therefore the company, look good? Greeting card company Hallmark encourages workers to buy a National Boss Day card (which Hallmark started printing in 1979) so the worker can extol the generosity and fairness of their boss, via the honey-tones of the adjective-laden, bleeding-heart cards.

Let's not destroy the concept, though. Perhaps a reversal? Instead of the employee thanking the boss for being kind and fair, the boss should thank the employee for making his/her job less challenging. I mean, what goes around, comes around - right?

Here's what Mark Stevens, president of the marketing firm MSCO and author of Your Marketing Sucks, says about National Boss Day.

"The dumbest idea I have ever heard of."

Uh huh. I've been my own 'boss' as an author since 2014 when I lost my career job due to business restructuring. Say no more? 

Question for readers: is being bossy the same as being 'bully?' Check out Jayden's character from the award-winning Twisted Climb series and decide if her view of life and her sassy approach to all things not going her way, is bully or bossy. 

Cheers... Happy National Boss Day to me!

J.C. Kavanagh, author of
The Twisted Climb - Darkness Descends (Book 2)
voted BEST Young Adult Book 2018, Critters Readers Poll and Best YA Book FINALIST at The Word Guild, Canada
The Twisted Climb,
voted BEST Young Adult Book 2016, P&E Readers Poll
Novels for teens, young adults and adults young at heart
Twitter @JCKavanagh1 (Author J.C. Kavanagh)

The Evolution of Calendars



Calendars are intimately tied to the human observation of the Sun and the Moon.  Thus, the universality of calendars is no surprise, appearing in almost every human society, going back to pre-Bronze age cultures. The development of calendars spurred many related disciplines, such as mathematics, religion, astrology and astronomy.

The ancients’ observation of the sun, in relation to the various constellations, gave us the solar year. They noticed that the sun returned to the same position every three hundred and sixty-five (plus a fraction) days. Archeologists believe many Neolithic structures around the world, such as the Pyramid of the Sun in Mexico, Stonehenge in England and several sites in Ancient Egypt to serve this function. “Calendar circles” are remarkable for their profusion: they are found all over Africa, China, India and the Americas.

The other large, observable, heavenly body is the moon. Humans noticed that the moon also appeared at regular intervals; two weeks in a waxing phase and two weeks in a waning one. But a problem arose. The moon took twelve cycles of two-week periods to complete a year—that is, 354 days, while the sun took 365 days. Another problem is that the solar year is roughly 365.25 days long, and this one-quarter day needed accounting. Finally, both the earth’s and the moon’s orbits have been decaying imperceptibly over time, as both are slowly moving away from each other and from the sun.

These issues have dogged societies, affecting things like calculating days of worship, the time to plant crops, and to today’s problems of space flight and satellite positioning.

Early societies arrived at various solutions to these issues. The Hindu calendar, known as Panchanga, combined the lunar and solar calendar, adding an extra month called the Purushottam mas every 32-33 months, based on a complex series of calculations, to align the sun and the moon, and to account for the fractional days in a solar year. Unsurprisingly, many Eastern countries such as Cambodia, Thailand and Sri Lanka follow this luni-solar method. The only differences between these various calendars is their start date. The original Hindu calendar has a starting date of 6,676 BC, corresponding to the start of the current cycle of time known as Kali yuga. In Buddhist countries, the calendar starts at the birth of the Buddha, in 563 BC.

The Persian calendar, introduced by Omar Khayyam in the eleventh century, calculated the length of the year with astonishing precision, as 365.24219858156 days.

The Roman empire used to have a ten-month year, but when Julius Caesar came to power, introduced the Julian calendar, which introduced the leap year, without reference to the moon. While it lead to a more accurate solar calendar, it completely disassociated the moon from calendar-keeping.

The calendar currently used, called the Gregorian calendar, is a version of the Julian calendar, introduced in 1582, and has as its start date the birth of Jesus Christ.

The calendar’s original function was to determine religious observances. Indeed, the word is derived from the Latin ‘calends’ meaning ‘to call out,’ referring to the practice of announcing that a new moon had been sighted. In various cultures, the Islamic, Hindu and the Chinese, the sighting of the moon has religious significance. From the sighting of the moon, in relation to the constellations, came astrology, which posited the influence of these constellations (or spiritual beings associated with them) on human beings and societies. This record of the movement of the heavenly bodies led to the science of astronomy.

The accuracy of calendars are important, not for recording of past, but for projection of future events. The recent use of atomic clocks, which record the passage of time with astonishing precision, are an absolute necessity in today’s life, necessitated by inventions such as cell-phones, satellite communication and interplanetary travel.

This blog started as an exploration of Daylight Savings Time, but deviated into a far more interesting discussion. By the way, remember to put your clocks back by an hour this November 1st!

Mohan Ashtakala is the author of 'The Yoga Zapper," a fantasy, and "Karma Nation," a literary romance. He is published by Books We Love (

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Sheila Claydon Cover Changes Through the Ages


Once, long ago, I wrote under the pen name Anne Beverley, and Golden Girl was my first published book. Then I wrote more books, still as Anne Beverley, until my family eventually persuaded me to stop hiding behind a pseudonym and write under my real name. That earlier book was still out there though, and to say the cover looks dated is an understatement!

Original cover

Then, many books later, the publishing house that owned it closed and the publishing rights returned to me. I sold it on to another publisher on the proviso that it would now be published under my real name. But in the field of publishing things are not always straightforward, so in the end I had to agree to Sheila Claydon writing as Anne Beverley, as well as a new cover. One that was certainly an improvement on the first.

Second edition cover

Then, a few years later, the same thing happened all over again. Another publisher, this time Books We Love, another cover and, finally, Golden Girl published under my own name. By then this book had been out there for a long time, so now it is a vintage romance with characters behaving a little differently than we expect them to in the twenty-first century. The heroine is still feisty though. It just takes her a little longer to get there!

Third edition cover

Now, thankfully, all my books bar one are with BWL Publishing, and I am very happy indeed about that.

In my next blog I will introduce another of those early books together with the covers they have had over the years. In the meantime, if you would like to have a taster of Golden Girl, then go to the Book Snippets page on my Website and let it take you back to what it was like to be a secretary in a large company in London and Paris in 1964. Manual typewriters, desk phones connected to a central switchboard, no screens, hardback dictionaries, shorthand dictation, blotting paper...I could go on. It was a different world except for one thing...people still liked to read romances. And if you would like to let me know which of these is your favourite cover, I'd love to know.

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Books We Love to write... Books You Love to read



Windmaster Golem
by Helen B. Henderson


Kiansel, sister to the current Oracle of Givneh, is expected to one day assume the mantle and lead the temple’s followers. Her emerging powers force an impossible decision. Turn her back on her family and heritage to study the way of magic or follow the teachings of the oracle.

Banishment to a remote village as healer, a position he despised, fueled Relliq’s desire for revenge. The discovery of a mythical city and an army of clay soldiers provided the means to control all mages--including the one he wanted most—Kiansel.

Brodie, weaponsmith for the School of Mages couldn’t refuse the archmage’s request to act as escort for a healing team fighting a curse upon the land. But how can a man without any magic of his own fight a curse or protect a friend from an invisible stalker.

Sylvia's Secret
by Roberta Grieve


Life as a WAAF in wartime England is not as glamorous as Sylvia Bishop had anticipated, although in letters home she tries to keep up the pretence for her sister Daisy. Then she is posted to a new RAF station and her work becomes more interesting. She is put in the Photo Intelligence unit and becomes very good at her job. Frustratingly, she cannot tell Daisy or anyone else what that entails as she has had to sign the Official Secrets Act.

Her secret job is not the only thing that inhibits Sylvia from confiding in her sister. She has fallen in love with handsome Wing Commander Hugh Smythe, a forbidden love as he is married. If their relationship is discovered it will mean scandal and ruined careers for both of them. 
Sylvia desperately tries to forget Hugh and concentrate on her very important work. But how can she when she works so closely with him?


by Katherine Pym


On the verge of destruction, Kessav is shocked when his wife refuses to accompany him to a new land. As the ground splinters under her feet, Luna, a kitchen slave, is terrified. She finds Kessav in the market, fires exploding all around them. He takes her with him where they leap into an energy field to land in ancient Sumer, 4500 BCE. Their new world is clean with no fire belching from rents in the earth, but Elam, Kessav’s old friend, is furious over the wife's desertion and shows bitterness and hatred.

Kessav builds a new life but holds secrets from Luna, and Luna fears telling her secrets would destroy Kessav. After the loss of their firstborn to the great goddess, will their love bind them together? Will Elam exact a cruel revenge?


Mother Shipton and the Sister Witches
by Jude Pittman and Gail Roughton

The Shipton history is complicated. Some families have a guardian angel. The Shiptons have a guardian ancestor who whizzes through the centuries and jumps right in whenever one of her girls is in trouble. 
All the girls have power and they’re watched over by elder sister Lillian, who takes her job as family trouble shooter seriously.  There’s no shortage of trouble to be sorted out either and even with their own powers each of the girls needs help. First Katherine's oilman fiancé disappears in the Gulf of Mexico, and then Irene's world champion saddle bronc rider fiancé is sabotaged and in danger of being trampled by a bucking bronco. 

The spider-web of trouble stretching between these three modern sister witches might be too much for even a time-traveling guardian angel to handle on her own.

ling Up A Ghost
by Dean L. Hovey

Peter and Jenny Rogers return from their honeymoon to a pile of wedding presents including the deed to an old house. They open presents from the residents of Whistling Pines Senior Care Center ranging from thoughtful, to thrift shop purchases, and “what is that?”

Taking a break from the gift opening party, they tune in to a live news broadcast and watch the historical society president open a time capsule found during demolition of the band shell. The opening ceremony turns grim when a rusty pistol and a newspaper clipping about an old murder are revealed.

The Whistling Pines rumor mill runs amok as the retired residents offer up murder motives, stories about the victim’s checkered past, and a multitude of potential murderers. Despite his full-time job as Whistling Pines recreation director, Peter gets dragged into the time capsule murder investigation.



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An Interview with Katherine Pym


Katherine Pym and her husband divide their time between Seattle, WA and Austin, TX. She loves history, especially Early Modern England, where most of her stories originate, and one other, a biographical novel of Camille Desmoulins during the French Revolution. His real life reads like a tragic romance.

How are you doing during these crazy COVID-19 times? Have you been quarantined?

We've self-quarantined during the lockdown, and again after we ventured outside. With stage IV cancer, I have to be more careful than most.
The winter was tough so we were forced to stay in anyway, although we missed going to dinner and eating out. We missed visiting with friends and family. It's been a lonely few months, must say. BUT on the upside, I finished my story of ancient Sumer/Sumeria, which is a plus.

Do you believe the Coronavirus will (or should?) make its way into future books by various authors?

Maybe later. It's too early for people to see covid-19 in a story when we've been living it for the last several months. And we don't know how it will flesh out, if we are on the wane (hope!) or if we're on the verge of another spike (no no tell me it ain't so), like the Spanish Flu which it seems the scientists have in the back of their minds.

Do you have a new release or upcoming book?

Yes, and thanks for asking. My story 'Begotten' is a historical/fantasy based in ancient Sumer, or as many understand it to be, Sumeria. Due to the vast amount of clay tablets unearthed, the time frame, and what was accomplished then, takes place between 4500BCE and 3500BCE. 
It starts out with a recurring dream (the fantasy part of the story) I've had since youth of seeing a large temple with people standing before it. They are fearful. I feel something terrible takes place within those mighty walls. Then I'm running, the world shattering about me. A man takes my hand and we dash down the street to a roiling hot ocean.
After that, you'll have to read the story, which released this month. I have Notes from The Author and a Bibliography.
Scholars have unearthed enough clay tablets to understand the philosophy of the temple and its workings, which I used to the inth degree. The scholars were very kind and gave permission to use their data.

What's your favorite genre to write?

Mostly historical fiction. I know a lot about the English Restoration, but my research has also taken me to the earlier part of the 17th century, as witnessed in the BWL Canadian Brides with Sir David and Lady Sara Kirke, real people who settled in Newfoundland and created a successful fishery. Doesn't sound so exciting when you read this, but David and Sara also had a home in London England, where he followed in his father's footsteps as a vintner. David Kirke was a privateer for King Charles I, but had a bit of a tangle with the old king, which is also expressed in my novel, Pillars of Avalon. It was a real stroke of luck to have run into the couple.

What have you been reading lately?

Mostly stories from other historical authors. I'm amazed and thrilled at the research they come across and express in their stories. Some of the historical fiction authors can be truly historical scholars of the time they write, then weave into a fictional tale. Truly amazing.

What do you like to do in your spare time, away from the computer?
I spend time with my family and of late find comfort in crocheting.
Do you envision yourself writing into your later years?

I am in my later years. With the cancer progressing I never know if, once I start a new story, if I'll finish it. It was thus with Begotten and as a result is less than my normal 95K word count, but it's surprisingly up there. My characters could not stop telling me what to write and how to write it. They told me to delve deeper into the Sumerian texts and come up with so many things that rested in one of mankind's cradle of civilization. If I could travel back in time, I think I'd start there.

What's your guilty pleasure?

I love going on day trips, to see the amazing landscape out there, which is as diverse as man him/herself. You can see ancient seashells along roads in Texas where there was once a vast sea. You can find Lewis and Clark's saltworks in Oregon, unending trees that fill the landscape of BC in Canada. And you can see the incredible destruction of the fires that swept across California. That's when I remember the beauty, some of which is gone now, of the vinyards and the towns that grew up around them.

Where can we find more about you and your books?
I'm all over the place, in Kobo, Smashwords, on the BWL website and blog, and of course amazon.
@KatherinePym (twitter)






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